What are you hungry for?
In an interview published in this same edition, the journalist and writer known Marcelo Teixeira talks about his books and announces soon the launch of an interesting work, which he has coordinated, which has the working title the phrase "What Are You Hungry for?", although this is not the final title, as already exists in the book market a work of the same name.
The question is intriguing: Dear reader, who now reads us, what are you hungry for?
The question is part of a lyric from one of the biggest hits recorded by the Titãs, rock band formed in São Paulo in 1982. In the song in response to the question, the author is emphatic. "We do not want only food" "We want food, entertainment and art."
Food, entertainment and art!
For the vast majority of people we know, here is a response that certainly satisfies and we believe until, for many, needless to do so, because we know that there are creatures whose dream is to have one day, a small house on the edge of a river where they can live, fish and rest, until death so permits.
The fact is that people's expectations vary from case to case.
Let’s remember, by the way, an episode occurred with the late Jerônimo Mendonça, from Ituiutaba (MG), who returned to the spiritual homeland in November 1989, at the age of 50.
As many know, Jerônimo Mendonça remained about thirty-two years stuck in bed, quadriplegic, and with the aggravating loss of vision. When he became blind, friends used to read to him.
Once, a reporter asked him what happiness is. He promptly replied: "Happiness, for me, lying there so long in this bed unable to move, it would be able to turn aside."
Clearly, in the light of spirit knowledge, food, entertainment and art are not enough.
We need to dream with something else, because we have not come to this plan to enjoy, to stroll, for sightseeing, but mainly to make progress, and our goal is the relative perfection, that we all can achieve - and certainly we will reach one day - because this is our true destiny.
With spiritual progress effectively achieved all our hungers will be satisfied.
Hunger of peace...
Respect of all...
Social justice...
It is like the immortals said, in response to a proposal which was presented by Allan Kardec:
"In an organized society under the law of Christ, no one should die of hunger." (The Spirits' Book, question 930.)