Edson Ramos de Siqueira
talks to the magazine
“Humberto de Campos: the
man, the writer, the friend”
is the theme and the title
of our editorial which tells
us about the extraordinary
character of the huge writer
Humberto de Campos, author
of important spirit works
psychographic by Chico
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview of the professor
Edson Ramos de Siqueira,
from Botucatu (SP), author
of the book “Alimentação e
Evolução Espiritual” –
Nourishment and Spiritual
Evolution. In the interview
the confrere analyses the
important question of the
consumption of red meat by
human beings, the subject is
also one of the theme of his
Another spot of this edition
is the Especial “Humberto de
Campos: in Parnaíba and as
national expression”, in
which the fellow Antonio
Cesar Perri de Carvalho,
previous president of FEB,
focus on the life and work
of the writer Humberto de
Why do you hold yourself?”
was the theme of the 20ª
CONMEL, that reunited 69
spirit young adults in
Londrina during carnival
this year. The especial
report on the traditional
event is also one of the
highlights of this issue.
It starts next Saturday,
27th, the especial schedule
of lectures which leading
the XVIII State Spirit
Conference. Suely Caldas
Schubert is going to talk in
this opportunity in the
Study Spirit Center
Fraternity, in Curitiba. The
programming which goes until
March 3rd spreads
until the cities of Paraná:
Matinhos, São José dos
Pinhais, Maringá, União da
Vitória, Cascavel, Apucarana,
Ponta Grossa, Pato Branco
and Foz do Iguaçu.