A chat with Gilmar Ricardo,
from Jaguariúna
“Prophylaxis: love, kindness
and knowledge” is the title
of our editorial, which
weaves considerations around
Alzheimer’s disease, it
causes and treatment.
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview given by our
confrere Gilmar Ricardo,
from Jaguariúna (SP).
Enthusiast of Spiritism,
outreach work, the confrere
share with the reader his
experience in the duty of
the distribution of the
newspaper Spiritism
Tribune (Tribuna do
Espiritismo), published
by Cairbar Schutel
Institute, settled in Matão
Another spot in this edition
is the Especial “Alzheimer,
from spirit to the matter”,
authored by our collaborator
André Luiz Alvez Jr., from
Curitiba. In the article,
the confrere mentions the
first investigation which
reached the discovery of the
disease and also its
consequences, treatment and
preventing actions.
A large number of people
watched in Goiânia the
lectures given by Divaldo
Franco, in the 32º Spirit
Congress in Goiás State,
traditional event promoted
by the local federal. The
report about the congress is
one of the spots of this
current edition.
It ends this week the study
of the book Instruções
Práticas sobre as
Manifestações Espíritas
(Practical Instructions
about Spirit Manifestations),
authored by Allan Kardec.
Following, from the next
edition, the study book will
be Posthumous Work,
by Kardec, published in
1890, twenty years later
after the encoder death.