Adriano Maschetto, in São
Carlos-SP, speaks to
the magazine
“We are the builders of our
destiny” is the title of our
editorial, which spots the
responsibility of the man in
the origin of his own
unhappiness and the
importance of education in
the transformation of the
world we live in.
Our interviewed of the day
is Adriano Maschetto, born
in Ribeirão Preto (SP) and
has settled in São Carlos
(SP) for 25 years. In the
interview he tells us about
the 90th
anniversary completed last
January of the Spirit
Society Workers of Good,
located in São Carlos, which
he is also the current
president. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another spot is the Especial
written by Hugo Alvarenga
Novaes, called “The Bible is
not God’s word”. In the
article, the author shows
several contradictions in
biblical texts and says that
the referred book was
completely spelt by human
hands, without any psychic
interference from the
Supreme Creator.
Paulo Salerno tells how it
was the XVIII State Spirit
Conference, traditional
event promoted by Spirit
Federation of Paraná, hold
on the days 4, 5 and 6 of
March in Pinhais,
metropolitan area of
Curitiba. The report is also
one of the highlights of the
current edition.
In a day like today – March
20th – it was born in
Currie, Scotland in 1833,
Daniel Dunglas Home; he is
considered by many the
biggest medium of physical
effects in spiritism
history. Contemporary of
Allan Kardec, he talks about
him in the Revue Spirite,
Daniel Home died on June 21st,
1886, at the age of 53.