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Year 9 - N° 457 - March 20, 2016

Santa Rita do Sapucaí, MG (Brasil) 


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Hugo A. Novaes

The Bible is not the
Word of God

The Bible has never been, is not and will never be the "Word of God" as they say.

"But of course it was written by men", some might say, giving a wry chuckle. And they will go on: "However, the Scriptures had a Divine Inspiration".

Nothing like that. I assure you that that book was fully written by human hands, without any psychic interference of the Supreme Creator.

This childish statement that the Bible is the Word of God was created by the Roman Catholic Church, and it challenges human intelligence, it diminishes the human being considering it inferior to the irrational animals that have no reasoning.

To some religious leaders, we are little better than the stones, because, after all, we give them money. Isn’t it true?

Let us see: If God is perfect (and for us He is), then His Word is also perfect. Otherwise, i.e., if the Word is not perfect, then it is proved that the "Bible is not the Word of God, but of men".

In the beginning of the quoted work, we find:


GENESIS, Chapter 1: 1. At the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. 2 And the Earth had no form and it was empty, and there was darkness upon the abyss, but the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3 And God said: “Let there be light”. And there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light day, and the darkness night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 

The sun was created on the 4th day after day and night were created 

We realize that: in verse 3, God commands that there be light. So, we arrive to the conclusion that the light did not come with Him and was not part of Him, as some say.

We note in verse 4 that God thought the light was good, and even separated light from darkness. With this Divine Act we can infer that this light, which is at the beginning of Genesis, is not spiritual.

This is so true that God named the light day, and the darkness night. And so it was done the first day.

And the second day passes...

And the third day passes…

On the fourth day, however, but ... Well, we better see what it says in the Bible itself.  


GENESIS, Chapter 1: 14 And God said: “Let there be lights in Heaven to separate day from night; let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years. 15 And let them be lights in the firmament to give light upon the Earth. And so it was. 16 And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; He also made the stars. 17 And God set them in the firmament of Heaven to give light upon the Earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

According to the Bible, Adam was the 1st person on Earth. Was he? 

Well, we know that the greater light is the sun and the lesser light is the moon. We also know that the light is given by the sun.

Another thing: we learn in school that since the beginning of time there is the "Sublime Astral Ballet, between the Earthly Orb and the Solar Star, represented by the ROTATION movement that creates the days and nights, and the TRANSLATION, responsible for the four seasons, autumn, winter, spring and summer, existing from the very beginning. Therefore, we question: 1: What light is the one that God created on the first day 2: what parameters did God use to calculate the hours, and define the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days if He had not yet created the sun?

In Exodus 24.9 to 10, we are told that Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy elders saw God. The same book tells us that no man can see Him and live (Exodus 33.20). The Apostle John says that no one has ever seen God (John 1:18).

According to some, Adam was the 1st person on Earth. However, his son Cain, when expelled from paradise, built a city (Genesis 4:17). But to do this he would need a lot of people; but at the time there was just Adam's family.

As to the Israelites in Egypt, we do not know whether they were expelled (Exodus 12.39), if they were allowed to leave (Exodus 13.17), or if they fled (Exodus 14.5).

We also do not know who the son in law of Moises was. Was it Jethro (Exodus 18.1), or Hobab (Judges 4:11)?

Also, we ignore if we are punished for our mistakes in the 3rd and 4th generation (Exodus 20.5), if each one will pay for his error (Deuteronomy 24:16) or if the just will receive the justice he deserves and the unfair pay for their unfairness (Ezekiel 18:20). 

The idea of ​​eternal punishment contradicts the Old and New Testaments 

We wonder if God (2 Samuel 24, 1) or Satan (1 Chronicles 21.1) ordered David to make a census of Israel.

We note that the Bible, mentioning Hell and its eternal punishments, contradicts itself, when it shows us the following:


"Merciful and gracious is the Lord; He is slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. He will not disapprove forever, and will not retain His anger forever. He did not treat us according to our sins, nor did He reward us according to our iniquities." (Psalm 103: 8)

According to this biblical passage, it is evident that the Bible cannot be the "Divine Word," because to punish a man forever goes against both the Old and the New Testament. It also contradicts the masterful teaching of Christ, who recommended us to forgive seventy times seven times (Matthew 18.21 to 22), i.e., always. As we believe that God is perfect and perfection is one of His main attributes, we cannot agree that His work is therefore contradictory. If we ought to forgive, then why would He not forgive us?

In the 2nd Revelation, we cannot avoid commenting on the events in the "Tomb of the Master."

The religious leaders should talk about what happened to the body of the Divine Rabbi in the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, and not cover up the incident saying that we should cling to the glory of Christ conquering death, giving us the impression that the other events are irrelevant to our spiritual growth.

Was Mary Magdalene the only one to enter the place where the body of Jesus was?

In fact, they know that in the Bible there is a large mismatch of information on this subject and purposely hidden from us.

We still do not know what happened there.

Let's continue.

What women went to the Tomb of Christ? Matthew says it was Mary Magdalene and another Mary. Mark already states that it was only Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome. Luke does not specify any woman. On the other hand, John tells us that Mary Magdalene was the only one to enter the place where Jesus' body was found.

We are also not sure who removed the stone from the Tomb. Matthew tells us that it was an angel. While Mark, Luke, and John tell us that it had already been removed.

In the Divine Tabernacle there is controversy regarding who was there. Matthew tells us that an angel in a garment, white as snow, was there. But Mark gives us the information that it was a young man dressed in white. However, Luke assures us that two men in bright clothes were there. While John declares that there were two angels in white clothes. After all, we do not know who really was there: if one or two angels, or one or two men?

These facts are literal and can be found in the Bible: Matthew 28.1-3; Mark 16.1 to 5; Luke 24.1-4, and John 20, 1.11-12.

Most religious leaders do not pay attention to what they say, that is, if the Bible was inspired by God, it cannot be inconsistent, nor can it contradict itself, neither can it be in conflict or disagreement. 

If Our Higher Father is perfect, his word would also have to be

Now, if we have the same source, that is, if its origin is only one, the most that we can expect and accept is that each author used his own words, but the contents should be identical.

Let us think together: if our Higher Father is perfect, then His word would also have to be. Therefore, if the content of the biblical narrative presents contradictions as the ones we showed, we can surely say that the Scripture texts are the work of man.

Just because it contains teachings that edify, it is not right to attribute it to a false divinity. After all, other books also contain texts that edify and by no means are they considered divine.

I respect and admire the Bible too, but I cannot accept or agree with the disclosed untruths, especially when they are used by the religious power to better control and take advantage of the masses. While we have powerful people dominating the opinion of the people, causing the people to believe in the Scriptures as an infallible and divine source, make no mistake: instead of God, the financial will be your primary goal.

Considering all this, I ask you: What is worth more to these priests: the truth or money?

We defend transparency; but some do not.

And I end with a known Christian maxim:

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24)


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