Tiago Cintra Essado,
president of Spirit-Legal
of Brazil,
speaks to
the magazine
“Hope is the Christian
Light” is the title of our
editorial, which focus on
moral crisis unprecedented
that has shaken the nation
and the Brazilian people.
“Corruption is a moral and
spiritual bias”. Tiago
Cintra Essado has said it,
the president of
Spirit-Legal Association of
Brazil, who speaks to the
magazine about the content
and the aims of the ten
measures against corruption
proposed by the Federal
Public Ministry. The
interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Victor Passos, spirit
scholar settled in Viana do
Castelo, Portugual, is the
author of the Especial
“Levantando o véu da
euthanasia” (Rising the veil
of euthanasia), a theme that
has been waggled with
frequency in Camões’ land.
According to him, there is
no reason to euthanasia by
Spiritism. The Especial is
one of the spots of this
It happened on Mach 12 and
13 in the American city,
Orlando, Florida, the 6ª
Spirit Conference of Florida
with participation of the
confreres Divaldo P. Franco,
Haroldo Dutra Dias and
Daniel Assisi. The report is
about the event, authored by
Júlio Zacarchenco, it is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
It has been launched by EVOC
– Vistual Publisher of The
Comforter on March 24th the
e-book “As aventuras da
corujinha Manu”, - The
adventures of the owl Manu –
authored by Cínthia
Cortegoso, virtual work that
the reader can download or
read for free, accessing the
webpage of EVOC -