A chat with Artur Valadares
de Freitas Santos, from
“Spiritism did not come to
destroy Christian Law, but
to fulfill it” is the title
of our editorial, which
reminds the reserved role to
the spirit doctrine in its
condition of third
revelation of God’s law.
“Christ message has to be
knowledge, meditated, felt
and lived.” This sentence
was said by the confrere
Artur Valadares de Freitas
Santos, from São Carlos
(SP), in the interview given
to our collaborator Orson
Peter Carrara. Scholar of
gospel texts, he talks about
his method to awaken
public’s interest by the
study and search of Gospel.
The subject is one of the
highlights in this number.
Another spot is the Especial
“the complete happiness does
not exist on the Earth...
yet” written by the confrere
Jorge Leite de Oliveira,
from Brasília (DF). In the
article, the author conclude
that so far it does not
exist complete happiness on
Earth, but we can be happy
as much as possible, when we
free ourselves from pride
and selfishness.
Divaldo Franco was on April
1st, 2nd
and 3rd in
Criciúma, Florianópolis and
Balneário Camboriú, where he
spoke, as usual, to a
numerous public, as it is
shown by Paulo Salerno in
one report which is also one
of the spot of this issue.
There have been many worthy
events to be considered by
the spirits in all over the
world in the last days; for
example, the appearance in
Paris, 4/15/1864 the first
edition of The Gospel
According to Spiritism,
by Allan Kardec – this title
was given only at the second
edition. As we all know, it
is the most known and read
spirit book in the world.