Spiritism came not to destroy the Christian Law, but
to fulfill it
The central subject in the interview given to us by Artur Valadares de Freitas Santos, in São Carlos (SP), one of the highlights of this edition; the study of the Scriptures was not always viewed favorably in spirit midst, even when it subject is only the Gospel texts.
The grudge in this case does not have, however, base in what Kardec wrote about the Old and New Testaments.
It is worth reproducing here the text that the encoder of Spiritism entered in Chapter I The Gospel According to Spiritism:
"The Old Testament law had Moses as its personification; in the New Testament has it in Christ. Spiritism is the third revelation of God's law, but it has not to personify it in none individuality, because it is the result of the given teaching, not by man, but by the spirits, which are the voices of Heaven in all the Earth with the assistance of an innumerable multitude of intermediaries. It is, in a sense, a collective being, formed by a group of beings from the spirit world, each one of them brings the tribute of their lights to men, to make them known this world and the fate that awaits them.
As Christ said: 'I have not come to destroy the Christian Law but to fulfill it' also Spiritism says: ‘I come not to destroy Christian law but to carry it out.’ It does not teach the contrary to what Christ taught; but develops, completes and explains in clear terms and to everybody, what it was said only in allegorical form. It comes to meet at the predicted time, what Christ said and prepare the realization of future things. It is therefore the work of Christ, what presides, as he was also announced, the regeneration that operates and prepares the kingdom of God on earth." (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. I, items 6 and 7.)
We call reader’s attention to the following point highlighted from the text above:
· Spiritism is the third revelation of God’s law.
· It came not to destroy Christian law but carry it out.
· It teaches nothing on contrary to what Christ did.
· It comes to fulfill what Christ announced.
· Spiritism is work of Christ.
The observations done did not escape from J. Herculano Pires, translator of the works of Allan Kardec and Spiritist scholar respected by all of us and that Chico Xavier, based on Emmanuel, ranked as "the meter that best measured Kardec".
In his translation Spirits' Book, published by Lake, Herculano Pires wrote important text entitled "Introduction to the Book of Spirits," which opens the mentioned translation. Reaffirming the information of Kardec as the fact that Spiritism is the third revelation of God's law, then wrote the dear confrere:
"When the world was preparing to leave the chaos of primitive civilizations, appeared Moses, as the driver of a people destined to draw the lines of a new world: and by his hands came the Bible. It was not Moses who wrote it, but he was the central theme of this first codification of new revelations cycle: the Christian.
Later, when the biblical influence had shaped a people, and when this people dispersed throughout the gentile world, spreading the new law, Jesus appeared; and from his words, collected by the disciples, the gospel came.
The Bible is the encoding of the first Christian revelation, the Hebrew code which merged the sacred principles and the great religious legends of ancient peoples. The great synthesis of efforts of antiquity toward the spirit. No wonder that it often appears frightening and contradictory for the modern man.
The Gospel is the encoding of the second Christian revelation which shines in the center of the triad of these revelations, and the Christ figure is like the sun that illuminates the other two, which casts its light on the past and the future, establishing between them the connection required.
But just as in the Bible, as if announcing the Gospel, this also appeared to predict a new code, the Spirit of truth, as seen in John XIV. And the new code came by the hands of Allan Kardec, under the guidance of the Spirit of Truth, the very moment that the world was about to enter a higher stage of development." (Introduction to the Spirits’ Book, J. Herculano Pires).
Giving this, it is totally incomprehensible the indifference or the disinterest of the spirit in relation to the study and knowledge of the two revelations that preceded the advent of Spiritism, of which it is the natural complement, as foretold by Christ.