The psychotherapeutic function of lectures
Two of the main highlights of this edition focus quite common themes on the activities of a spirit center - high music and a talk well conducted.
No one in the spirit labors ignores, of course, the importance of one and the other.
Regarding the presentation of the doctrinal activities in general, the warning made by the confrere Marcelo Teixeira on the special "Uncomfortable Onomatopoeia" should deserve the attention of all of us who cherish the good spirit practice.
Indeed, as the colleague says, it does not fit in doctrinal or artistic activity the buás, gla-gla-glas, cof-cofs, ti-ti-tis and trim-trims: it is too much onomatopoeia disturbing the task. Unlike good music, it is always important in the preparation of spirit activity, noise and parallel talks do not contribute to the necessary harmony to carry out the work.
Whenever the lecture is the focus of our reflection, we remember two facts noted by Manoel Philomeno de Miranda about what means a lecture and what it is, in fact, its importance.
First, we focus on the private talk as we call; the one we grow at home or in groups in which we participate.
According to the author of Grilhões Partidos (Shackles Parties), chapter 18, ended mediumship session, Dr. Bezerra de Menezes and other spirits accompanied the conversation among meeting participants. Reporting to the fact Manoel Philomeno, after highlighting the importance of healthy lecture about the meeting, he noted that, in the opposite direction, the ordinary conversation, an acid comment, irrelevant notes disturb the psychosphere where entities in treatment linger allowing the breaking of special defenses and the invasion of unhappy spirits to whose mental coexistence members of the group have become accustomed, continuing to unhappy obsessions that they do not wish to be free from.
The end of the meeting of disobsession - noted the spirit author - does not end the helping services and spirit nursing. Therefore, it is appropriate that workers incarnated take care of higher psychic preservation of the enclosure, as their own, lingering into reflections and healthy connotations, applying themselves the lessons heard.
Let us now see a facet often overlooked when we deal with what we call public lectures, in which the silence, harmony and attention are essential factors, as noted Marcelo Teixeira in the Special published in this same issue which we has referred to it earlier.
In the book Trilhas da Libertação (Paths of Liberation), in the chapter "Sex and Responsibility", Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, referring to what it is normally seen in a public lecture, common activity in the Spirit centers, he noted that that night the Mentor invited to the lecture significant number of disembodied, lucid and joyful workers, who cooperated with the Group, during the public explanations, explaining the unfortunate spiritual company of incarnated, getting away the most rebellious and directing those who were predisposed to renewal.
Both the lecture and the study – it informs the spiritual author - worked on the condition of collective psychotherapy for individuals and spirits. Due to the incarnated rarely keep high tuning and best interests for a long time, they used the exhibitor's word to center their attention and make them focus. They acted then with dedication and at the end, still under healthy psychosphere, performed some perispiritual surgery, separating parasites minds of their hosts, recasting the spirit in fighters, supporting healthy intentions of those who aroused, assisting, in short, in all directions, by therapeutic resources of passes.
In view of this, aware of the transcendental importance of an activity that some consider routine and worthless, it behooves us to value the spirit lectures and if we are powerless to give them our contribution, at least not disturb with inattention, lack of respect and noise as well cited by Marcelo Teixeira in his article.
Editorial’s Note:
Here is the link which refers to the text of the Especial “Onomatopeias incômodas” ("Uncomfortable Onomatopoeia"):