The call which came through The Spirit’s Book
For the heart willing to learn, to improve itself, to grow in life, opportunities will not lack. That is what happened to our fellow Rafael Izidio, our interviewee this week, and it can happen to every soul willing to progress, to feel better and to make other similarly by example and help.
Every second, beneficent occasions appear as God's goodness is infinite and the light illuminates continuously. The difficulty of perceiving them is because our thoughts, feelings and attitudes are not always on balanced patterns. But opportunities always come, or rather are always afforded the individual purporting to be open to constructive changes, which it may be presented either subtly, sometimes more targeted and incisive, or sometimes accompanied by pain, since in many cases only in this way is that some feel touched.
There are individuals who receive their gift decorated and tied with a pretty ribbon, while others receive it differently; however, in all cases, they are always present, valuable opportunities for growth.
For Rafael Izidio the call came through a book that provides answers to the main questions about life. It came through the noble words and teachings of The Spirits’ Book.
This work drew his particular attention to present tangible elements that life continues after death of the body and, by successive and countless times, we humans, we received the privilege of reincarnation to accomplish our spiritual improvement and, at the same time help our brothers who, although situated in more limited evolutionary stage, are no less deserving of protection.
When a person wakes up to the truth and the light of the Master, there is no way to ignore the call because there is no more ignorance of what is needed if we are really to grow.
The more the surrender to the doctrine of the teachings most sense will be applied to life. Clarifications about the big issues are checked, for those seeking light, for it is illuminated.
The spiritual doctrine teaches us that to everything there is a purpose - to reincarnation, for family ties, for meetings between people, for the work to be done, difficulties, joys and especially for understanding the law of action and reaction.
As if it was not enough the answers to endless questions and provides light to the steps along the way, the blessed doctrine still gives opportunity special occasions when brothers in different dimensions, can help themselves, as it occurs in the mediumship meetings. On the one hand, the Spirit who is lonely, needy and with the weight of guilt forcing him to look in the dark, and on the other, the reincarnated brother who has the opportunity of donating time and love, contributing to his moral uplifting and readjustment before the Law.
The spirit movement requires now more than ever, awareness and understanding by who professes it.
The house and the spirit cause require workers interested in donating a little of their time to work with love, joy, selflessness, for a job in a spirit house means, among other things, the encouragement to those who seek it in despair, and as better prepared is the worker, better protection he can offer.
Let us always remember that the opportunity to work is, first, a good that we do to ourselves.
Rarely there will be workers in a privileged position; thus wisdom teaches that the best and highest qualification for work that we propose ourselves, more in line and prepared we are to develop the fruitful activities whose blessed Master, as we all know, is called Jesus.