Constancy em hapiness
"Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35.)
Those words of Jesus apply to men of faith, the adherents of Christianity. They seem to indicate, at the beginning of the apostolic labors, there were differences among believers. The difficulty to love each other persists to this day. The personalism is the source of disagreements and the fanaticism of many. How to work together in federations, for example, if we, as supporters, fight among us to achieve a share of power, feeding the flock policies?
If we do not love our brothers, how would we love our enemies? A simple question, almost harmless and it almost bails sense, it captures our behavior accurately. It is not rhetoric, but its answer is dumb, because it reaches the heart of the matter and it puts us on course. But who would doubt its relevance? If we are disciples of Christ, why do not we love ourselves?
The ancients were among heroes. A Cairbar Schutel in Sao Paulo; Abel Gomes, Chico Xavier and Anita Borela, in Minas Gerais; Bezerra de Menezes, in Rio de Janeiro, and many others that could be listed, learned to love tenderly their persecutors, their enemies.
"So proud of you in the churches of God for your patience and faithfulness in all the persecutions and afflictions who suffer." (2 Thessalonians 1:4).
Why so much animosity between us, if we believe in the same Christ? But do we really believe in the same Christ? Or each of us has a different conception of Christ, it shaped the taste of our whims? Have we not repeatedly read the Gospel? Will he be a closed letter?
We talk a lot in sacrifice and selflessness. We would like to follow Christ, to set an example, to transmit the Gospel through word and deed. We believe that this is possible. But what stops us? Our pride. We do not take seriously the recommendation to apply the lessons to ourselves, we analyze our desires and see if we can learn more about who we are.
"For you it is given not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him." (Philippians 1:29).
Today it is easy to call yourself spirit. Mediums receive the city’s keys. But it's hard to be a spirit. Enemies incarnated only rampage and call credulous mystified to the Comforter fans. However, the hidden enemies in erraticity continue their relentless harassment. Unfortunately, they often know us more and better than ourselves. But they can not do anything without our permission. And the permission is in our desires. So they make use of our weaknesses to achieve their goals, which are: personal revenge or simple desire to disrupt the spirit centers, disrupting the Spirit movement.
Suffering for Jesus is to suffer with patience and resignation, being faithful and constant witness.
No self-denial, there is no love; without humility, there is no faith.
The gospel invitation to the meetings is to grow in the renewal of our minds through the truth and mutual love in order to be able to say to us: "Brethren, it is our duty to give thanks continually to God for you, for your faith has made great progress, and the love you have for each other is increasing more and more." (2 Thessalonians 1:3.)