The man and the world
"I have given them your word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. I am not asking you to remove them from the world, but that the evil one. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I also sent them into the world." (John 17: 14-18.).
In early Christian imagery, the world represented corruption, the territory plowed by the sin, the opporsite of the kingdom of heaven. But God so loved the world, as he seen it, in its creation, which it was good, and sent redemption to this world. Our Father so loved the world that he sent his son to save mankind.
The idea of salvation, common in religious discourses, is central in Christianity. Christ himself was baptized as Savior (Jesus).
"I write to you in a letter, that ye misturásseis with immoral people. I was not referring generally to immoral, greedy, robbers or idolaters of this world, because in this case you would have to leave the world." (1 Cor. 5: 9-10).
The idea that the isolation would be a benefit to the faith, in which it would be practiced mortification of evil instincts, it is much older than Christianity. The misanthropic used to live alone or in small groups in desert regions. The idea of Christian hermitage arose between the third and fourth centuries A.D. It was not part of the so-called primitive Christianity.
Paul is considered the great theologian of early Christianity. In addition to the content Paul's letters are important because they are the first written records of Christian doctrine that arrived today. The source gospel to the synoptic gospels was lost. Parts of it have survived in unequal parts in the content of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. The Gospel of Matthew is the result of Judaizing edition of the source text. This source would be the notes of Levi, which it is referred by Emmanuel.
Paul says that we must live in the world, but as if we do not belong to it. He says that nature itself looks forward to its redemption. But save ourselves from what? The passions that defile our lives, which are the source of errors and moral disaster. Save yourself from selfishness and pride. That is why, in Spiritism, it is spoken of salvation, without, however, the magical sense, as in Catholicism, in that grace promotes the salvation of the elect. According to Spiritism, salvation is an evolutionary process.
"A feeling of pity should always animate the hearts of those who come together under the eyes of the Lord and implore the assistance of good spirits. Purify, therefore your hearts; do not let lodge in it any mundane or inane thought (...) Live as men of your time, how it has to live the men. Sacrifice needs, even the frivolities of the day, but sacrificial with a sense of purity that can sanctify." (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. 17, item 10)
To live in the world it takes discipline. Take stock of what is most important to us, what are our goals and what we should do today to achieve these goals. Establish priorities. If we have the will to fight against our evil passions, we must know ourselves, analyzing our behavior.
When Emmanuel suggested Chico Xavier three disciplines, he was referring to the psychic work, putting Chico's behavior in order to give proper space for each goal. Chico then set goals that would never be carried out if he did not establish the proper space for each activity. One night for each task. One day, public work, another day, psychographics books, another night still, disobsession, and so on: relief work, study, visits, leisure reading, time to listen to music etc. Discipline, so that everything has its time, and take care that all priorities are carried out.