"Consider, my brethren, be great joy when ye go by various trials." (James 1: 2).
Our country, and therefore the Brazilian people, goes through difficult times, which could equate to a kind of collective trial.
The trials consist in, as we know, to test our constacy, our perseverance, our patience; They are also the difficulty, the shame, the adversity that we are to bear with resignation.
Spiritually considered, trials are, however, cause for rejoicing because they are growth opportunities. When there is atoning character, they are the means of reconciliation with enemies of the past. Anyway, the cleansings are always mean of elevation and advancement. We should be grateful to God for giving us a fresh start.
Trials show who we really are and how far our belief is real based on our feelings. Job is always taken as an example, but a careful reading shows that he, in adversity, was not patient at all, or resigned, having accused God of injustice.
The example he gives us is that when defeated, it turns to God and humbly asks for reconciliation with the All Merciful.
We have been like him? Rejoice in abundance and dark in adversity? But one day, due to our pride, we turn to God and ask for forgiveness and another chance for us to make sure we did wrong. And God blesses us and gives us new ways according to our worthiness and the evolving needs.
"The joy that stimulates is the sister of pain which amends." (Emmanuel, Pão Nosso - Our Bread, Cap. 100)
Reconciling the pain with joy must be the most difficult things. In general, we allow that this reconciliation is a theorical possibility. Accept it, however, the resignation is much more difficult. Joy and pain. No one has combined them as harmoniously as Jerome Mendonça, the lying giant.
"Son, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Straightening heart and be constant; do not hush at the time of adversity. Accept whatever it happens to you, and in the vicissitudes of humiliation have patience. Due to it is the fire that proves the gold and it is the crucible humiliation that experience those who are pleasing to God." (Ecclesiastic 2:1-2.4-5).
The trial in this text would be the result of the need to prove if the candidate to Lord’s worker is worthy of this task, if you have the values needed to serve God. But we can interpret it according to the Spirit.
Whenever we are willing to work together to Jesus’ messengers, we are endowed with greater strength to deal with our imperfections. Therefore, the cross load becomes heavier, but according to the strengths and expanded the understanding that provides the discipleship.
In every step we are challenged by the brothers who are our enemies, or who are enemies of Christ.
The received depressing action is a humiliation for our pride, but it is an opportunity to become more humble. We are tested in humiliation.
The more humble, more understanding and collect forces from above. If we intend to serve, meets us to humble ourselves for the Lord to grow.