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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 492 - November 20, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The Spiritism is in the air


Ingenious and suggestive the radio program’s name, José Geraldo Pedrosa and his companions present from Monday to Friday on a radio station in the city of Juiz de Fora. Entitled "Spiritism Is in the Air," the program is the central theme of the interview published in this issue.

The initiative of our spirit colleagues from Minas Gerais, which has already completed two years of uninterrupted activity, it only deserves applauses because spreading spirit teachings is to allow others to come to know a doctrine that it does us so well and shows us the path that will lead us, if it is followed, to the achievement of the goal for which we were created.

In regard to this matter, we believe it is important to clarify a phrase that has been frequently repeated in our midst, according to which spreading the Spiritist Doctrine is a form of charity in which the beneficiary would be the doctrine itself.

We have already reported on this subject in this same magazine, showing that the charity of the dissemination is aimed at people and not, properly speaking, Spiritism. Disclosing it correctly is to give them spiritual comfort and important subsidies for their own growth.

To understand this thought, let us recall the message of Emmanuel in which the theme appeared, we think, for the first time.

In the distant year of 1965 the Brazilian Spiritist Federation published the book Study and Live, a medium work composed of texts signed by Emmanuel and André Luiz.

In the last chapter of the book - chapter 40 - the text of Emmanuel, psychographed by Chico Xavier, is entitled "Timely Relief".

In it, the spiritual author makes considerations about the relief that must be offered to the obsessed brethren, but not only to them, but also to our brothers who are in the last trenches of resistance to spiritual imbalance.

Then the enlightened spiritual instructor wrote:

“For an alienated man who applies for bughouse therapies, hundreds of frontiers of obsession, comes with you in everyday experience. Out of their environment in a world that does not yet have the resources to relieve the inner tormented, they wait for something that pacifies their energies, like travelers stranded in the darkness, sighing by a ray of light...

They marched in honesty and found themselves harmed by cruelty, masked by intelligence; Embraced edifying tasks and were beaten for their injuries, accused of faults they would never be able to commit; They gave themselves up quietly to commitments which they thought to be unimpeachable and ended up trampling on the purest dreams; They built the home, as a way of elevation, and they recognized themselves, in him, the care of prisoners without hope; Raised children, investing at home all their wealth of ideal and tenderness, in the expectation of finding blessed companions for the old age, and they were relegated to extreme abandon; They left their youth, full of renewal aspirations and came to suffer diseases that threaten their lives... And with them those who accuse themselves misfits, we still have those who came from the cradle in affliction and penury, those who have entangled themselves in labyrinths of boredom, for too much comfort, those who faint in the responsibilities they espoused and those who carry in the body painful inhibitions ...

Remember them, the almost crazy ones of suffering, and work so that the Spirit Doctrine extends to them timely relief. For this, let us study Allan Kardec, at the clarity of the message of Jesus Christ, and, whether in example or in attitude, in action or in word, let us remember that Spiritism calls for a permanent kind of charity - the charity of its own disclosure." (Study and Live, chapter 40) (We wrote in bold.)


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