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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 500 - January 22, 2017
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Adriana Brumer Lourencini: 

“The secret is to carry
on working”

The journalist and editor of the Boletim Colmeia de Luz in the
Brazilian city of Indaiatuba speaks about her experience
in the dissemination of Spiritism

Adriana Brumer Lourencini (photo), a Spiritist since 1994, lives in Indaiatuba, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, where she works as a volunteer at the Apóstolos do Bem Spiritist Centre. A journalist, she in charge of the communications department of the local Spiritist organisation, as she explains in this interview. 


Tell us about your experience in the dissemination of Spiritism through the local USE Indaiatuba (Union of Spiritist Societies). 

I joined USE Indaiatube in 2012. We decided then to create a page on Facebook with the aim of reaching more people, including those beyond our city. We began to publicise the Spiritist events held in and around the city. Our aim had always been to disseminate Spiritism and share information about the Spiritist Movement. In the beginning we struggled to gather information, as we were still very insular. It was very interesting for me, as that experience allowed me to meet many people and to get up to date with Spiritist activities. 

How much feedback do you get on your website? Do you think your virtual portal has reached its aims of disseminating Spiritism? 

I don’t think so. I was never in favour of the creation of a specific website for USE Indaiatuba. First, we don’t have enough content to keep a site going. Sedond, there aren’t people with the time and skills needed for updating it as frequently as it requires (and if you cannot update a website frequently, it is better not to have one, other wise you will damage your reputation). And thirdly the Facebook(1) page we have is, for the time being, more than enough and does the job well.  

How about the Boletim Colmeia de Luz publication? Tell us a bit about it. 

BCL (Boletim Colmeia de Luz) began being published 24 years ago. About two years ago we revamped it, changing especially its layout, which was too busy, which discouraged readers. The stories focused pretty much on the same issues and the typeface was too small. When I was given autonomy to make the changes I wanted, I changed the format, the logo, I changed the typeface and I chose a bigger size font.  I also invited different people to write and recommended more consistency in their articles. The main aim of BCL is to spread information and spiritual comforting, as well as helping disseminate Spiritism.  

What is your assessment of the local Spiritist Movement? 

In Indaiatuba and nearby cities we have 11 different Spiritist organisations. Each one organises and promotes their own events. I don’t see that as a major problem. I believe that the lack of integration between the different organisations is the result of their financial constraints. After all, to organise any event you need financial resources and workers or volunteers. In the current crisis Brazil is going through, it isn’t easy to produce big events.  

What feedback do you get from the newspaper? And how do you finance it? 

I don’t have the precise details of feedback in figures, but many people contact me via email or the social networks to make comments about the new format and the quality of the articles. That is very gratifying as my intention is really to reach people and awaken to the reality of the spiritual world. I work as a volunteer at BCL, like most of our contributors. The publication is paid by its ads, which have become more frequent. We publish about 2,500 copies, which are distributed free of charge (by its director, Mr Deoracy) in Spiritist organisations and some shops. I look after the whole production and edition process and also publish it online. 

Is there any particular event or aspect from your experience that you would like to share with us? 

One of the most special moments was when Divaldo Franco, came to Indaiatuba. I took part in the organisation of the event from the beginning and we wrote a special report of the visit for BCL. The opportunity to share some moments and to be close to the medium and his team has certainly not been forgotten by any of us. 

Is there anything you would like to add? 

I think we are in the right path. There is a time for everything and we cannot prejudge or force people to behave in any particular way. Each one of us is what they can be. Those who complain but don’t suggest anything to improve things don’t deserve any credit. The secret is to carry on working and doing our best. That way we will certainly reap the benefits.

(1) USE Indaiatuba’s profile on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/useindaiatuba/?fref=ts


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