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Year 10 - N° 502 - February 5, 2017


Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Paulo Neto

The evil eye in
the Spiritist perspective 

(Part 1)

Let us speak of a common belief; perhaps it is even universal; according to our understanding, it is doctrinally supported; however, in the beginning, it may cause certain strangeness to some of the scholars of Spiritism.

Is the evil eye only a superstition or is it something real perceived by popular wisdom? That is the question.

Evil eye or envious eye is a folk belief (probably it is very old since it has prevailed among several peoples) it considers that someone’s envy, shown or not in a look, can cause the breakdown of this person/target, or even good luck. Due to this, in all cultures in various periods of History, charms were created against the evil eye, such as nazar ([1]). 

It is traditionally associated with the idea of "bringing bad luck with a look" [...].

In the biblical tradition, the evil eye is linked to the restriction of greediness (Exodus 20). (WIKIPEDIA, Internet, our emphasis). 

We copied Wikipedia’s definition which, although not very reliable, will only serve to emphasize that many people see the evil eye as a folk belief. But would it not be the case to ask? If it is a tradition that is seen "in all cultures at different times in History," and that is constantly witnessed and leads people to believe in it, then why is it only considered imaginary? 

We are more and more convinced that when a thing is universal, it is a fact, although it can be misinterpreted given the lack of knowledge of the mechanisms that make it work. Perhaps a good example of this is the belief in ghosts, which is certainly universal, and which Spiritism has shown it to be the soul of the dead manifesting to the "living." 

Even certain rituals are practiced in an attempt to "close/protect the body" against the evil eye.

It is true and proved by two facts that are known, especially by the inland people. Today, with the urban concentration, this culture is being lost.

One of them is the evil eye directed against plants. One person visits another, who has a beautiful fern pot; the visitor, looking at it, says: "What a beautiful fern, I have never seen one like this before”. That's enough. The next morning, the poor plant is weakening, fading, as if fire was blown over it. Many plants even die, a few survive, but to save them they will have to be very well cared for.

The other concerns children who - after being complimented by a particular person, often a friend of the family – become restless, and are unable to sleep properly until someone suggests: “Take the child to be blessed”. And said and done, after being blessed the child returns to its normal condition, a little angel.

The healer is usually an older lady with an envied detachment who, as a rule, only works on blessing children. The most interesting thing is that it "works", whether those - who are not accustomed to "these things" of inland people, or of the outskirts of big cities - believe it or not.

Emmanuel, in O Consolador, answering the question "the so called blessing, in the popular circles, is a form of spiritual ?", He says categorically: "The so-called 'blessings', so common in the popular environment, when used in charity, are humble expressions of the spiritual regenerating pass, so well-known in the Spiritist institutions of relief and assistance”. (Xavier, 1986a, page 68).

Let us see, in three different sources, what we have to support this:

1st) Scholars.

Jacob de Melo (1952-), in Heal Yourself and Heal through spiritual passes, addresses the subject:

If there is a good fluid or energy, can there also be one that harms?

No doubt. Every time we vibrate negatively or wish evil for someone else, we are producing a bad fluid, a disharmonious fluid, a de-structuring environment. For this reason, this can be qualified as a harmful fluid. [...].

How could we define "evil eye", or "bewitching"?

Considering those who suffer it, it is the absorption of a fluidic loading, which contaminates or even blocks one or more important vital centers, causing their failure, and ending by transferring this disturbance to the corresponding physical organ(s). On the part of those who perform it, it is the emission of a very dense fluidic load, directed, intentionally or not, to people, plants and/or animals. 

Why are children more prone to evil eye than adults? 

Because the vital centers in children are "smaller" and more sensitive.

Their structure processes more refined and subtle fluids than the adults, and because of their size they "work" smaller quantities of fluid.

When the fluidic loads are dense and/or in large quantities, the mentioned centers block and consequently fail [...].

And what good is the branch used by the ladies who bless?

It works as a kind of catalyst, and it gives a sign.When the child is under a fluid congestion, the lady who blesses it by moving her hand over the child causes the blocked fluids to move. Since there is a little branch between the blessing lady’s hand and the child's body, the fluids will pass through it. As plants do not accept fluidic loads in movement, they are struck, and according to the quantity of the fluid that caused the congestion, so is the level of fulmination of the plant greater or less. [...]. (MELO, 2003, pages 55-59, emphasis added). 

In the Transition Program, number 007 of 11.23.2008, available on the website Kardec.TV, the psychic Divaldo Pereira Franco (1927- ), talking about the evil-eye and witchcraft, said:

"[...] Of course, the Spiritist Doctrine sees this issue as an animistic phenomenon. The so-called evil eye is nothing more than an intense mental vibration of someone, who is dominated by lower feelings - envy, competitiveness - and by unloading this wave of negative feelings and evil vibrations, often strikes the one against which this disturbing though is directed.And it reaches him, because the other is in an equivalent vibratory range, and through the phenomenon of being in tune, it captures that disturbing discharge. [...]". (FRANCO, 2008, emphasis added). 

In the book Diversity of charisms: theory and practice of mediumship, authored by Herminio Correa de Miranda (1920-2013), there is reference on this subject:

[...] And regarding the problem of the evil eye? Is it real?

As we have seen, Spirits do not deny it when they say that there are people with a great magnetic force and they can misuse it. (MIRANDA, 1991: page 311, emphasis added).

(This article will be completed in the next issue of this magazine.)



CARVALHO, V. L. M. Ah, if I could go back in time! Sao Paulo: Petit, 2006.

FRANCO, D. P. Self-discovery - an inner search. Salvador: LEAL, 2006.
KARDEC, A. Genesis. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007e.

MIRANDA, H. C. Diversity of charisms: theory and practice of mediumship. Vol. I. Niteroi, RJ: Art and Culture, 1991.

MELO, J. Heal and heal through the spiritual passes. Natal: Vida & Saber, 2003.

PERES, N. P. Practical manual of the Spiritist. Sao Paulo: Pensamento, 1989.

TEIXEIRA, R. J. Rosangela. Niteroi, RJ: Frater, 1996.

XAVIER, F. C. Missionaries of Light. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1986b.

XAVIER, F. C. The Comforter. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1986a.

FRANCO, D. P. Evil eye and witchcraft in http://www.kardec.tv/video/transicao-tv/371/transicao-007-mal-olhado-e-feticaria, access on 08.08.2013.

Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau-olhado, accessed on 08.08.2013.]

Evil eye on plants: http://imguol.com/2012/10/26/ilustracao---olho-gordo-1351284447561_615x300.jpg

Evil eye child (adapted): http://www.meusnervos.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Mal-olhado-medico-SUS-01.jpg

Paulo Neto maintains the website www.paulosnetos.net


1   Nazar or Stone against evil eye, also called “Turkish eye” (in Turkish: nazar boncugu) is a charm that protects against evil eye […]. (WIKIPEDIA).



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