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Year 10 - N° 503 - February 12, 2017


Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Paulo Neto

The evil eye in
the Spiritist perspective 

(Part 2 Final)


A little further on, Hermínio C. de Miranda explains in detail:

It is known for sure, however, that powerful mental forces can be manipulated by thought and will. There is, therefore, no evil eye in the sense that a simple glance can wilt a plant or make a person sick; there are, however, disharmonized feelings which, potentiated by the conscious or unconscious will, cause considerable disorders in people, animals or plants.


Thought is the most powerful energy in the Universe and circulates through a perfect system of communicating vessels, through all of Nature. According to the intentions under which it is issued, it can both build and destroy. It can give life, and take life. It is nothing more than this. (MIRANDA, 1991, page 320, emphasis added).


Ney Prieto Peres, in Practical Manual of the Spiritist, deals with this subject:

Popular knowledge itself has already defined the concept of "evil eye", which, when directed by certain creatures, causes so much damage to other people’s material goods, if not uneasiness and even illness. It is the vibration that the envious sends, of such a strong negative involvement, that, when reaching someone unprotected and unprepared, can really cause several evils.

Therefore, let us be very careful with the feelings of envy that we send to others, always remembering that we will receive in return the evil we caused others. (PERES, 1989, page 82, emphasis added).


2nd) Spirits


The Spirit Antonio Carlos, through the medium Vera Lucia Marinzeck de Carvalho (?-), in the book Ah, if I could go back in Time! at a certain point, states:

[...] Careless is the person who does not believe that negative energies, whatever they may be and wherever they come from, can reach us, as well as those who think that everything that happens to us is through the influence of others. One should never forget the reactions of one's own actions. And if we vibrate in the good, nothing of evil will reach us. (CARVALHO, 2006, page 103, emphasis added).


Joanna de Angelis, the mentor of the famous medium Divaldo Franco, born in the Brazilian state of Bahia, in the book Self-Knowledge - an inner search (Autodescobimento – uma busca interior), weaves these considerations:

[...] there are many evil effects on the body, caused by disorganized and in disarray thoughts, by uncontrolled emotions, and a pessimistic and restless mind in the cellular apparatus.


Certain strong emotions - fear, anger, aggression, jealousy - cause high adrenaline discharges into the bloodstream, thanks to the adrenal glands. At the same time, this emotional action - reacting in the body - produces an increase in the sugar rate, a stronger muscular contraction, in view of the increase in the volume of blood irrigation and its faster coagulation capacity.

The repetition of the phenomenon causes several diseases like diabetes, arthritis, hypertension...Thus, each physical illness brings a corresponding psychic, emotional or spiritual component. [...](FRANCO, 2006, pages 19-20, emphasis added).


3rd) In Codification

In Genesis, Chapter XIV - The fluids, Kardec makes several statements regarding this subject. It is important to seek this confirmation, as it will validate all the opinions previously mentioned.

15. Since fluids are the vehicle of thought, it acts upon fluids like sound over air; they bring us the thought, as the air brings us the sound [...].


16. Since these fluids are the vehicle of thought and can modify its properties, it is evident that they must be impregnated with the good or bad qualities of the thoughts that make them vibrate, changing according to the purity or impurity of the feelings. Evil thoughts corrupt spiritual fluids, as deleterious miasmas corrupt the breathable air [...].


17. [...] Like the odors, they [the fluids] are designated by their properties, their effects and original types. From the moral point of view, they bear the stamp of feelings of hatred, envy, jealousy, pride, selfishness, violence, hypocrisy, kindness, benevolence, love, charity, sweetness, etc. Under the physical aspect, they are exciting, soothing, penetrating, astringent, irritating, sweetening, soporific, narcotic, toxic, repairing, and expulsive; they become a force of transmission, propulsion, etc. The picture of fluids would be that of all the passions, virtues and vices of Humanity and the properties of matter, corresponding to the effects they produce.


18. […] The thought of the incarnate acts on the spiritual fluids, like that of the disembodied, and is transmitted from Spirit to Spirit through the same via and, if it is good or evil, it cleanses or contaminates the fluids of the environment.

When these fluids act on the perispirit, this, in turn, reacts on the material organism with which it is in molecular contact. If the exhalation is of a good nature, the body is affected by a pleasant impression; if they are bad, the impression is painful. If they are permanent and energetic, the bad exhalations can cause physical disorders; this is the cause of certain diseases". (KARDEC, 2007e, pages. 324-327, emphasis added).


We believe that the doctrinal position regarding the subject is clear, considering the book Genesis, as well as the several opinions mentioned above.

It is opportune to copy the precious page of the Spirit Rosangela, a psychographic by Jose Raul Teixeira (1949- ), entitled "The Thought":

For you, who know that thought is energy molding life, it is an imperative to take good care of its sources, to improve the pattern of vibrations that depart from theimo of the soul.
To think is to build ...
To think is to sow ...
To think is to produce ...
Pay attention to what you sow, what you produce, in the building of your life, with your mental waves.
Your non-stop thought projects yourself...
Think better. Thought is life!" (TEIXEIRA, 1996, pages 28-31).

We understand that all caution is essential, because... "The spell may turn against the sorcerer": “[...] the unbalance of the mind can determine the general disarray of the organic cells. [...] The poisoning of the soul determines the diseases of the body" (instructor ALEXANDRE in Missionaries of Light) (XAVIER, 1986b, 315).

Let us return to the Spirit Rosangela, in the message "The Guest":

Begin cleaning the inner parts of your soul, put perfume in your inner home, and enclose each inner room with the necessary silence so that He becomes the gentlest Guest of your life, never again turning away.


Who is he? Have you not yet realized that I am speaking to you about Jesus?
Then invite Him without delay, and let Him stay forever! (TEIXEIRA, 1996, page 111).

Let us follow these suggestions so that we will not suffer the consequences of our sense of envy, which is, in fact, what causes an evil eye.





CARVALHO, V. L. M. Ah, if I could go back in time! Sao Paulo: Petit, 2006.

FRANCO, D. P. Self-discovery - an inner search. 
Salvador: LEAL, 2006.

KARDEC, A. Genesis. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007e.

MIRANDA, H. C. Diversity of charisms: theory and practice of mediumship. Vol. I. Niteroi, RJ: Art and Culture, 1991.

MELO, J. Heal yourself and heal through spiritual passes. 
Natal: Vida & Saber, 2003.

PERES, N. P. Spiritist Practical Manual. Sao Paulo: Thought, 1989.

TEIXEIRA, R. J. Rosangela. Niteroi, RJ: Frater, 1996.

XAVIER, F. C. Missionaries of the Light. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1986b.

XAVIER, F. C. The Comforter. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1986a.

FRANCO, D. P. Evil eye and witchcraft in http://www.kardec.tv/video/transicao-tv/371/transicao-007-malo-olhado-e-feticaria, access on 08.08.2013.
Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauled, accessed on 08.08.2013.]

Bad-looking plants: http://imguol.com/2012/10/26/ilustracao---olho-gordo-1351284447561_615x300.jpg

Bad-looked child (adapted): http://www.meusnervos.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Mal-olhado-medico-SUS-01.jpg

Paulo Neto maintains the website www.paulosnetos.net



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