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Year 10 - N° 505 - February 26, 2017

Florianópolis, SC (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Ricardo Di Bernardi

Microcephaly and Abortion The connection of
 the Spirit

Part 1

Before we approach the spiritual question related to the condition of microcephaly, let us make some basic general considerations so that we can properly insert the Spiritist explanations.


Concept of Microcephaly: Microcephaly is a neurological condition in which the child's head and brain are much smaller than those of the same age and sex. The brain does not grow enough during gestation or after birth. Depending on the severity of the malformation, complications such as severe cognitive deficit, visual, auditory and speech impairment, hyperactivity, low weight and stature (dwarfism), and convulsions (epilepsy) may arise.


Microcephaly may be caused by genetic and environmental factors. It may be congenital, i.e., by factors acting through the placenta, by exposure to harmful substances during pregnancy or acquired in the first years of life by several factors. Whatever the factors, we know that in this baby there is a Spirit who returns to the physical world in need of love and protection regardless of the spiritual origins of the problem.


Hereditary microcephaly can be caused by several genetic syndromes, known as true, Vera, or primary microcephaly; to manifest the disorder, the child needs to inherit a copy of the defective gene from the father and another from the mother, which did not manifest the disease (recessive genes).


As Spiritists, we know that the genes were contained in the reproduction cells, but were attracted by the vibratory field of the ill matrices of the perispirit of the reincarnating Spirit. This Spirit is returning to the physical world to drain a disharmony of the biological body with the purpose of solving it.


There is also the microcephaly associated with secondary causes, which determine the premature closure of the Miller (fontanelles) and sutures between the bony plates of the skull, which prevents the normal growth of the brain. This condition is called craniosynostosis, which can affect the fetus inside the uterus or after childbirth when the brain is still in the accelerated formation process. The reincarnating Spirit always unconsciously shapes the physical body through the perispirit, so the anomaly results from the energetic de-structuring of the astral body that can come from serious traumas not well assimilated by the psyche of the Spirit or from attitudes that have generated injuries in themselves or in others and now constitute the perispirit fields that mold the form in disequilibrium.


Other secondary causes of microcephaly are: during pregnancy, cigarette smoking, alcohol and other drugs or some medications, infectious diseases such as rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, shingles, among others. There is also the possibility of microcephaly due to mercury poisoning, uncontrolled maternal phenylketonuria, exposure to radiation, maternal malnutrition, placental malformation, traumatic brain injury and severe hypoxia (lack of tissue and blood oxygenation).


Currently, this malformation is most commonly the result of infection by the zika virus, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that also transmits the dengue fever and the chikungunya fever.


The knowledge of the Spiritist Science and Philosophy allows us to know that it is only reborn in an organism under these conditions and will present this malformation, that Spirit that is attuned to the anomaly, i.e., it is magnetically attracted by its vibratory pattern. There is no biological chance or punitive process; there is a law of cause and effect, aiming at learning, aiming at healing or draining the astral dimension into the physical dimension. The atoning process is a mechanism to release the problem. It will only reincarnate in an organism that will be harmed by infection, drugs and other factors, a Spirit that has in its spiritual body predispositions for this injury.

Microcephalic baby: the moment of reincarnation 

We recall that if the ovule is usually a solitary looking for an ideal companion, the claimants to its definitive possession and complete union are many spermatozoids. Exactly that ovule, with that set of genes, was the one released into ovulation by the influence of the energies of the Spirit. In the case of primary or true microcephaly, the magnetic perispirit field determines the release of an ovule with the problem gene. The reincarnating Being, even unconscious and distant, was already, by specialized mentors, united with the maternal psychosphere, due to a long history of the past...

More than two hundred million sperm -a population equal to that of many countries added together - will elbow in the unbridled pursuit of a single trophy. Some biologists consider that the fittest wins the race and feeds the ovule. But how is it the fittest? Why does it sometimes happen that a spermatozoon carrying the deepest anomalies outweighs all the rest? Studying the Spiritist Science, we find the satisfactory answer to this seeming "whim of chance". 

Genes and Magnetism

Each sperm carries in its bundle the chromosomes that contain the genes for all the physical characteristics of the new body to be formed. Genes, DNA molecules, are particles of an extremely high complexity.

Spermatozoa, depending on the genes they carry, have a peculiar energy vibration. According to the genetic pattern they lead, they emit a corresponding wave frequency. We say, then, that each sperm has an energetic aura peculiar to the set of genes it carries. In the case we studied, there are among these spermatozoa those that carry genes that cause genetic syndromes where microcephaly will manifest itself.

The ovule, like any living cell, has a vital fluid field around it. This vital fluid, or vital energy, is the force field that draws the energies of the reincarnating entity. This Spirit or reincarnating entity binds itself or attaches itself to the ovule, passing, then, to radiate its vibrations, more and more intensely, towards the vital fluid of the ovule. The ovule, by irradiating the vibrations of the Spirit, automatically attracts, through the tune of waves, that spermatozoid containing the genes with which it tunes, i.e., the one it needs and expresses its perispiritual reality, the microcephaly genes that it needs for its rebalancing and spiritual development.

According to the karma of the spiritual entity, expressed by its perispiritual matrices and reflected in the ovum, the genes are attuned to the message or code, transmitted unconsciously by the energetic units of the perispirit, and received by the DNA molecules (deoxyribonucleic acid) of the corresponding spermatozoid. 

There are almost 300 million different options for a new biological organism, options presented by spermatozoa, which is why, we are all so special, different from each other. This apparent waste of sperm is the wise law of nature providing multiple options for divine justice, allowing evolution, if it is fulfilled through biological laws. 

Karmic Inheritance

Unconsciously, the reincarnating Spirit, who sowed freely in past lives (and saved the records of this sowing in its perispirit), now impregnates the maternal ovule through the vibrations of its merits and demerits.

The male gamete, suited to its karmic needs, by magnetic tuning, is quickly as if "drawn" to the ovum and the fertilization or conception takes place. It is not, therefore, the "biological chance" that determines that a sperm fecundates the ovule, but the law of return, of the obligatory harvest, the Law of Action and Reaction, always aiming at spiritual healing.

The fittest sperm, therefore, is the one that best tunes to the vibrations of the reincarnating entity, previously magnetized to the ovum. However, until this moment, there has not been reincarnation yet. The union of the reincarnating Spirit directly with matter, linked to the physical molecules, takes place at the moment when the great biological shock occurs: the sperm penetrates inside the ovum.

At the time of fertilization, millions of atoms and molecules of the two cells go into boiling activity. This great activity, a true explosion of phenomena, occurs in a wonderful orchestra ruled by universal wisdom. At the instant of conception, the molecules of the spiritual body (perispirit) of the reincarnating being enter, so to speak, into the intimacy of the ovule cell. Now, at this moment, the reincarnation itself, in physical terms, begins.

When the sperm fertilizes the ovum, a kind of a great "explosion" occurs causing a reaction between the components of these reproductive cells; and the interaction between the two auric fields is what provides the energetic opening for the attachment of the perispiritual fluids to the organic molecules. A specific energy moment for the other dimension to interpenetrate matter was necessary. 

Microcephaly and mentally induced abortion by the mother

Our Spirit radiates mental waves that express themselves as ultra-short, short, medium, and long waves according to the type of thought we issue. It is already very well known the immense energy potential possessed by a human being. In addition, each of us has its own magnetism and greater or lesser ability to radiate and magnetically influence around us. The influence of the force of thought is employed on the energies around us, on plants, animals and on other people, especially embryos and fetuses. Fetuses diagnosed as microcephalus may be more subject to the energies of the father and mother, due to the shock of the information they received.

The easiest evidence of mental power over matter can be observed with experiments with water. Chevalier and Hardy, two eminent French researchers, used a device called a "psychokinetic dripper" that proved in laboratory the action of the mind on water molecules.

It is a device where a source drips on a blade, dividing the drop in such a way that the two compartments below are filled with water in strictly equal times.Therefore, it is a device of physical precision.

It was found that "sensitives" or "sujets" - to use the language of the eminent researchers - when concentrating mentally were able to divert  the drop, causing the compartment to the right or to the left, as requested, to fill quicker than the other one. This experience was studied by the Brazilian psych biophysicist, Professor Henrique Rodrigues too, who is also a Spiritist speaker.

The psychokinetic potential, which is capable of moving near or distant objects through the force of our thoughts, also acts on the subtle energies that unite the embryo to the energetic texture of the fetal psyche, in other words, that unite the Spirit to the forming body.

The mental actions of a pregnant woman also have psychokinetic properties and may have deep repercussions on the energetic connections of the reincarnating Spirit with its embryo. The embryo, due to being largely formed of water - since it is immersed in a water bag - is easily reached by the mental energies of the mother, who continually involve it. The water molecule is a great conduit of mental energy.

There are mothers who, upon hearing the news that they are going to give birth to a micro cephalic child, can become terrified, panic or dread, and even strongly refuse to accept the fact that they are pregnant. Whether it is due to the painful circumstances that motivated the pregnancy or the difficulty in dealing with the unprepared and immature spouse who does not accept that he conceived a microcephalus, or because of the economic distress they are in, they anticipate an aggravation of the unexpected situation in which they are. Above all, the absence of spiritual knowledge, i.e., not knowing that the microcephalus son is someone who has a secular connection with them, and that now they are going to be the father and the mother of this being, therefore having the opportunity to love, and rescue previous ties; anyway, a lack of Spiritist knowledge can make the mother reject this pregnancy.

Whatever the reason is, from the most complex and respectable to the simplest vanity, the fact is that the situation happens often. Memory regression experiments carried out in the "Therapies of Past Experiences", or other mechanisms, have given us valuable information in the study of the mental influence of the pregnant woman on the fetus.

In addition to abortions, the maternal monoidistic (fixed idea) posture can have diverse psychological repercussions on the being in the process of rebirth. Feeling of abandonment and affective deprivation are common in children, young people and even in adults who have suffered this type of maternal influence.

Many rebirths have their roots in the need to harmonize past aversion. The opportunity of the family bond, and not being able to recall the past, is a resource that the Spiritual Friends use to bring these creatures together.

The maternal-fetal energetic exchange will be increasingly valued by medical science, which (apart from some rare professionals) does not believe that a developing "Being" without a developed brain has the ability to register maternal emotions. Whether in a microcephalus or an anencephalon, the records are made in the spiritual structures, therefore, imprinted in the unconscious. We recommend that the fetus be involved by feelings of love, protection, trust and acceptance, because they are short and ultrashort waves that would involve the fetus relieving it from the natural difficulties of a reincarnation in a micro cephalic organism.

Only the knowledge of the existence of the Spirit will open the door to the understanding of a problem of such magnitude.

Let's work... 

Microcephaly and Spiritual Assistance in Pregnancy

All scholars of the Spiritist Doctrine are aware, through numerous psychographic works, of the existence of the "Ministry of Reincarnation" in the spiritual colonies linked to the terrestrial sphere. Teams - specialized in the return to the physical world - study intensely, and work to try and provide better and more adequate conditions for the evolutionary needs of the brothers who have to return to the planet.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not the spiritual mentors who determine the physical defects or congenital anomalies of a fetus. IT IS NOT CORRECT to imagine that Spirits of Light, Love and Wisdom are capable of determining: "You will be reborn with microcephaly", but note that the Universal Law of Cause and Effect is unrelenting. The Spirit’s "modus vivendi" the traumas that it suffered, or the facts it experienced in the past generated fields of force, vibratory circuits, in its spiritual body, and these, yes, are in fact those that now model the perispiritual matrices. 

Specialized mentors, who are profoundly aware of the dynamics of energies, know how to be inflexible and can inform the Spirit or even their loved ones of the organic anomaly that will arise in their new physical body, whether congenital or genetic. A spirit that is reborn with microcephaly is still with painful marks in its astral body that need to be drained, atoned for a physical body, aiming at its healing. There are also rare situations of Superior Spirits who offered to be reborn in this way, with the purpose of helping those involved and also gaining a great deal of experience in this area. They are exceptions, but they do exist. 

The psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier describe in detail this assistance. Among other works, we would quote the book "Missionaries of Light", a work that details the reincarnation of the Spirit of Segismundo, showing the participation of the two plans in the process.

Once the parents have been chosen, by the criterion considered most appropriate to the evolutionary situation of the Spirit, and the worthiness of the parents, a laborious spiritual assistance to the people most involved in this reincarnation begins. Usually: father, mother and child. No one has a micro cephalic son by chance. They are centuries-old or even millenarian stories that unite those involved in constructive encounters and necessary for the spiritual development and to overcome old difficulties.

The spiritual assistance work sometimes needs to be extended to other family members, whose interference regarding the pregnancy was negative, such as, for instance, the pressure to make an abortion, or other ways of interfering that would be contrary to the superior plans. Through the spiritual sensibility of creatures, such as paranormal or psychic sensibility, spiritual mentors will constantly seek to intuit for the most balanced and healthy decisions to be made, which will reflect on the being who is preparing to return to the fellowship of the incarnated. In the case of the microcephalus, it is a being that needs a lot of affection and support at all levels.

When the resistance of those assisted (father and mother mainly) is very strong, in the sense of following the ideas that are suggested to them, spirituality starts to look for indirect ways to convey the harmonizing message. Mental suggestions are sent to relatives, neighbors or professionals, who may constructively influence the process of acceptance of the son or micro-cephalon with respect to this reincarnating entity. 

During sleep, the astral unfolding or projection of the embodied usually happens. On this occasion, clarifications or valuable information are provided to parents. Usually, the reincarnating Spirit is presented to the future parents and, if there is an important disaffection on the part of any of them, with respect to the future child, an intense work of indoctrination is carried out in order to ease the mutual difficulties. The conscious and unconscious astral projection of the parents plays an important role in this work of loving support of the spiritual mentors. 

The assistance received by the family constellation occurs even before the fertilization, already in the phases of approach of the entity. In the homes where the psychic balance reigns, in the protection of the Superior Spirits, it is possible to preserve the intimacy of the couple in the intimate moment that will determine and fertilization. (This article will be completed in the next issue).



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