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Entrevista Português Inglês    
Year 10 - N° 508 - March 19, 2017

Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

José Antonio da Cruz: 

“To multiply our talents, that was the request from Jesus” 

The creator and presenter of Spiritist radio programme Hora Espírita (Spiritist Hour) speaks about its goals and his future projects 

José Antonio da Cruz (photo), from the Brazilian city of Catanduva, in the state of São Paulo, became a Spiritist in 2000. He works as a volunteer at the Amigo Germano Spiritist Centre, where he coordinates the study groups. He is very well known in the Spiritist Movement as a speaker and for his programmes, which are broadcast online.

He has a degree in Alternative Therapies and works as an entrepreneur. In this interview, he shares with us his plans to help in the dissemination of Spiritism. 


It is a radio programme that aims to provide to our listeners analysis in the light of Spiritism on a range of issues concerning our daily lives, as well as reflections on reasoned faith, inner moral reforms and comforting advice.  

When and how did it begin? 

The title Hora Espírita is not original. We were inspired by pioneers of Spiritist radio broadcasting in the 1930s, who had a programme called “Hora Espiritualista” (Spiritualist Hour) in 1937 in Rio de Janeiro. It became “A Hora Espírita Radiofônica” (Spiritist Radio Hour) in 1939. Taken by that inspiration we decided to began a partnership with the local Globo Radio station in Catanduva and on August 3rd 2015 we began broadcasting the Hora Espírita programme. I must say here that the true pioneer of Spiritist radio was the great Cairbar Schutel, who began to broadcast weekly his talks and lectures in 1936 on Cultura de Araraquara PRD-4 Radio station. 

What time does your programme go on air? 

Every Monday, at 18h05 Brasilia time (21h05GMT) on Globo Noroeste Pta Radio station 610kHz AM. People can also follow the programme online in video and audio through FaceLive, YouTube or the radio station’s own app. Here are the links:




What issues and books have you focused on your programmes? Are older programmes available online? 

We cover a wide range of issue, all of them assessed in the light of the Spiritist Teachings. We always aim to link the analysis and debate to matters of our daily lives. A considerable part of our archive material is available online. I recommend starting by our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ahoraespirita. We also launched in 2016 a CD with nine hours of programmes. 

What feedback do you get from your listeners? 

Very positive. Thousands of people follow our programmes regularly. I am glad to by generating such high quality material online we are achieving the goals set by great pioneers of Spiritism in Brazil. 

What are your projects for the future? 

We are working on our second CD, Gratidão – Reflexões para a Alma (Gratitude – Reflections for the Soul), which is already being produced and will be launched in the first half of 2017. The material is beautiful, the result of extensive research, focusing on the feeling of gratitude and how necessary it is for our internal balance. 

Tell us about CRESCER PROJECT. 

Crescer Project (Note: Crescer is Portuguese for Growing up) is a programme of meetings gathering children, young people and adults to encourage all of us to be peaceful citizens, with our rights but also with duties to fulfil. It encourages the hearts involved in the project to put into practice on daily life the Law of Love taught by Jesus Christ. The aim is to teach how to put into practice the feeling of love to God, the family and yourself, promoting respect and cooperation.  

Would you like to highlight any particular experience you have had recently? 

What touches us the most in those me most in those meetings are the personal testimonies of people speaking of how they have woken up, overcome problems and transformed themselves. One particular young man told us he had considered suicide many times. In our meetings he found the support of friends and the comfort provided by Spiritism, giving his life some meaning… I remember that the emotion of the account brought all of those involved in that workshop to tears. I believe, therefore, that the feeling of gratitude has been the most valuable experience of our meetings.  

What are your contacts for those who want to get in touch? 

These are our contacts, for those who want to establish ties of friendship:

E-mail: joseantony2006@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/joseantony2006

Fanpage Hora Espírita: facebook.com/ahoraespirita

Fanpage Crescer: facebook.com/crescerjuntossomosmais 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

We must get united to work for the dissemination of good.  Even considering that good people are “shy” in their deeds, we have many more moments of happiness and reasons to be thankful for than reasons for letting things simply happen and time go by. To multiply our talents, that was the request from Jesus. Let us do it then.


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