Although the Christians
understand, in general, that
life goes on and death does
not exist in they way many
people think, the loss of a
beloved relative continues
to be one of the most
difficult moments in
people’s lives, the central
theme of this week
editorial, entitled “Death
under the Spiritist
Amongst the headlines in
this edition, we call the
reader’s attention to the
interview that the confrere
Maurício Cordeiro Mancini,
professor of the Rural
Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, conceded to our
collaborator and editor
Orson Peter Carrara, in
which he talks about his
experience with young
people, in and out of the
Spiritist Movement.
Another headline is the
especial by José Passini,
entitled “Tolerance”, in
which the well-known
confrere, member of the
Editorial Council of this
magazine, recalls that,
according to Kardec, it is
an irresponsibility to
publish everything that is
received from the Spiritual
world without a
From 13th to 15th March, one
more State Spiritist
Conference has took place in
Pinhais (PR), promoted by
the Spiritist Federation of
Paraná state, which counted
on the participation of
Cosme Massi, Sandra Borba,
Alberto Almeida, Raul
Teixeira and Divaldo Franco,
as shown in the especial
report by Claudia Rojas, our
correspondent in Curitiba.
In the German city of
Winnenden, more precisely at
school, a young boy got
inside the building and shot
at haphazard, abbreviating
the life of many people, as
Claudia Werdine tells in the
article “And the story
repeats itself...”, which is
worth reading so the we can
be conscious that something
is wrong in many families’
lives and we need to take an
initiative in order to
prevent that more episodes
alike this no longer occurs,
be it here, in Europe or in
any other place of this