Current topic, people ask what is the position of Spiritism concerning abortion in cases of anencephaly, a matter that, for obvious reasons, has not been commented on the works of the Compiler of Spiritist Doctrine.
The Spiritist scholars, incarnated and disincarnated, as long as Kardec has not examined the issue, understand that we keep having the same Spiritist understanding, as is stated in The Spirits’ Book that is only accepted abortion if it is to save the life of the mother.
Various reasons sustain this thought.
First: There is no pregnancy by chance; by the same token a woman’s desire to get pregnant is not enough for it to happen. The coming of a Spirit to the corporeal existence, even if it is for few hours, is part of the reincarnation program.
Second: Unborn organic mutilations have their cause in acts made in the past, in other existences. If someone attempts against their own brain, according to Emmanuel, he will need at least two corporeal existences to heal it up again.
“When we perpetrate such a crime and install guilt in us, we start the chaos within our soul and, as we return to the Spiritual World, after disincarnating, involved in the shadow of this criminal act, we are naturally disappointed in ourselves due to our irresponsible acts”, this is what Chico Xavier, inspired by his mentor and guide, declared in the evening of May 7, 1974 in solemn session at the Legislative Assembly of Goiás, as the reader can check in Chico Xavier in Goiânia, published by GEEM Editora. The Spirit who finds himself connected to the faulty organism was like this already, with similar mutilations, in the spiritual life. Reincarnation means, for him an opportunity of repair, which gets severely hindered with abortion.
Third: According to Joanna de Ângelis, in her book Alertness, chapter 22, that in most of cases of abortion the expelling of the unborn body by no means will halt the connection Spirit-to-Spirit, between the mother and the rejected son. Because of this, not aware of the fact, or desperate after realizing so, the spiritual being that was expelled holds on to the mother’s body and ends up hurting the genital area, making it prone to diseases, besides the obsession that is started.
Pro-abortion arguments in such cases, are against the Law in Brazil, where it is only accepted in two occasions – to save the life of the mother and in cases of rape –, although it is understood, there is much materialistic thought into it.
It is alleged that, even if the anencephalic child lives for a while, it will be a vegetative life. Well, many people victimized by car accidents or strokes also lead such a life. Shall we, in face of that, kill them all? Isn’t it considered to be euthanasia?
It is easy, then, to understand that acceptance of abortion in the aforementioned occasions is a giant stride leading to the so-called eugenic abortion, which is supposed to meet other cases of fetal malformation, as some doctors have already proposes, inspired by the faulty Brazilian justice. From this to legalization of euthanasia, as it happened in the Netherlands, is closer than we think.