The latest information released by the press say that the resemblance between man’s DNA and the monkey’s is 96%, which has led several scientists to the conclusion that the man and the monkey had a common ancestor who would have lived on Earth 6 million years ago.
As he talked about the origin of the man on Earth, Allan Kardec states in his last book, “Genesis”, cap. XI that, from the similitude which exists between the body of man and that of the monkey, certain physiologists have contended that the former was only a transformation of the latter. “Bodies of monkeys may have served very well for the vestment of the first human Spirits necessarily undeveloped, who have been incarnated upon the Earth, these garments being more appropriate to their needs and for the exercise of their faculties than the bodies of any other animal. Instead of a special robe having been made for the Spirit, as man is sometimes dressed in animal skins without losing their manhood”
Allan Kardec said, though, he wrote by hypothesis, by no means put as a principle, formulated only to show that the origin of the body does not hinder the Spirit, which is the main being, and that the similitude which exists between the body of man and that of the monkey does not imply similitude between his Spirit and that of the monkey.
To sum it up, Kardec said that it is likely that the first men who appeared on Earth were really similar to the monkey by their looks and also intelligence. “There are still in our days savages who, by the length of their arms and feet, and the formation of their heads, have so many ways like a monkey, that a hairy covering only is missing to complete the resemble.”
In 1938, seventy years after “Genesis” was published, Emmanuel brought new information – and not only hypotheses – about the matter. Summarized, Chico Xavier’s mentor said in his book “On the Way of Light”, p. 30 - 32, that the first ancestors of the man dates back to the tertiary period, when it was found, under the orientation of the spiritual spheres, some races of anthropoids, in the Pliocene epoch.
These anthropoids and the ascending of the monkeys had their evolution in convergent points, so their resemblance. There was not, though, properly speaking, a "falling off the tree", at the beginning of the human evolution. The spiritual forces who lead the earthly phenomena, under the orientation of Jesus, established a definite line for all species, in which the spiritual principle would find the process of their purification, in march for rationality.
The anthropoids of the caves spread, in groups, on the surface of the globe, along the centuries, suffering the influences of the environment forming the future races. Extraordinary experiences were made then by the invisible envoys, who chose the "monkey" the one to be closer to the future man.
Centuries went by, and one day the Spirits operated a definite transition in the perispiritual body preexistent in the primitive men, this way appeared the first savages of improved complexion, tending to elegance in the future.
This information brought by Emmanuel is not part, evidently, of the doctrines of Spiritism, because they were singular revelations, but it is good to consider them, in respect to the author and also the medium, so it is up to time– and only the time – can either confirm or deny it.