Marriage in a Spiritist
Spiritism teaches us
marriage was an
in the history of
mankind and its
would be going backwards
putting the
man below some animals
There is nothing more
discussed than marriage,
we understand. LINTON
defines it as being the
social recognized union
between people of
different genders.
LAURENT calls it "plea
of society, basis of
public and private
morality". GOETHE
understands that
marriage is the basis of
every culture and
LESSING says that "the
great school established
by God Himself for the
education of humans”.
There are, however,
among philosophers and
scholars those who are
against it, as
that "in our monogamist
hemisphere, marriage is
losing half of your
rights and earning twice as |
much obligation".
Everybody knows that
saying which compares
marriage to a math
formula: a sum of
worries, a subtraction
of freedom, a
multiplication of
children and a division
of goods. In the field
of civil law, marriage
is defined as the
permanent union between
a man and a woman,
according to the law, in
order to reproduce, help
each other and raise
their kids. |
Historically, marriage
started receiving
attention in ancient
Rome, where it was
perfectly organized.
There was at first the
corresponding to the
religious marriage.
Among other things, it
was characterized by the
offer to the gods of a
wheat bread, habit that,
modified, lasts until
today, as the
traditional bride’s
cake. The
confarreatio did not
last long and it was
rare in the time of
Augustus. The
coemptio was the
plebs marriage,
corresponding to the
civil one. Finally,
there was the usus,
acquisition of a woman
by possession. The
religious marriage was
only regulated by the
Church in the Council of
Trent (1545-1563). As
time went by, due to
several factors,
including the Protestant
Reformation, the States
set aside the religious
marriage and the first
country to do so was
England, under
Juridical aspects of
Historically, we can say
that four main formats
of marriage have already
existed: 1) marriage by
abduction or capture,
very common among the
tribes which fought
themselves and the
ancient civilizations,
even though MALINOWSKI
understands that this
kind of marriage has
existed more in theory
rather than in a
practical way; 2)
marriage of buying or
exchanging, common among
the Zulu people in
Africa, Native Americans
and Germanic people; 3)
marriage by paternal
determination, mainly in
Muslim people and China;
and, finally, 4)
marriage by mutual
consent, in which is
dispensable the
authorization from the
parents, except if those
who are getting married
are still minors.
ROUAST understands that
marriage is a complex
act, at the same time
contract and
institution. Of course
it is more of an
institution, but it is
also a contract. In
Brazil, only on
September 11, 1861 it
was regulated by Law the
marriage of
non-Catholics, which
could be held according
to their own religion.
But only with the
proclamation of Republic
that marriage would lose
its confessional
character, on January
24, 1890, with the
Decree 181, the civil
marriage. Marriage has
been ever since a solemn
act in which three
elements are essential,
otherwise it can be
considered nonexistent:
different genders,
mutual consent and
celebration in the way
established by the civil
code. The marriage
between Nero and Sporus,
mentioned by Suetonius,
in Brazil would be a
nonexistent fact,
because it is a vital
condition of marriage
the different genders.
Spiritist view of
ALLAN KARDEC asked the
Spirits the following
question: - "Is
marriage, that is to
say, the permanent union
of two beings, contrary
to the law of nature?"
They answered: "It is a
progress arrived at by
the human race." The
abolition of marriage
would therefore be a
return to the infancy of
the human race, and
would place man even
below certain animals
that give him the
example of constant
unions. In another item
of the same book Kardec
said: "Polygamy is a
human institution, the
abolition of which marks
an era of social
progress. Marriage,
according to the
intention of God, should
be founded on the
affection of the beings
that enter into it. In
polygamy there is no
real affection; there is
only sensuality."
(The Spirits’ Book, 695,
696 and 701).
According to the
Spirits, there is
something else in man,
beyond the physical
needs: there is the need
of progressing. "Social
ties are necessary to
progress; and social
ties are drawn closer by
family-ties. For this
reason, family-ties are
a law of nature. God has
willed that men should
learn, through them, to
love one another as
brothers." The
relaxation of
family-ties would be a
relapse into
(The Spirits’ Book, 774
- 775).
Allan Kardec,
examining the same topic
in another book, wrote:
"But in the union of the
sexes, apart from the
Divine material law
common to all living
creatures, there is
another Divine law which
is immutable, as are all
of God's laws, one that
is exclusively moral,
which is the law of
love. God wishes all
beings to unite
themselves not only
through the ties of the
flesh, but also through
those of the soul, so
that the mutual
affection of the spouses
be transmitted to the
offspring and that it
should be two, and not
just one, who love them,
look after them and help
them progress" (The
Gospel According to
Spiritism, chap. 22,
item 3).
Spiritual planning of
In the errant state, the
Spirit "chooses for
himself the kind of
trials which he will
undergo, and it is in
this freedom of choice
that his freewill
consists" (The Spirits’
Book, 258, 851 and 866).
The chance, properly
considered, cannot be
among the considerations
of the sincere disciple
of the Gospel (Emmanuel,
The Consoler, question
186). It is observed,
though, that the Spirit
chooses himself "the
kind of trials"; You
have chosen the kind of
trial to which you are
subjected; the details
of this trial are a
consequence of the
general situation which
you have chosen, and are
often the result of your
own actions. "It is only
the leading events of
his new life, those
which will exercise a
determining effect on
his destiny, that are
foreseen by him" (The
Spirits’ Book, 259).
Besides, there are two
classic exceptions to
the general rule of
choosing the kind of
trial: 1) when the
Spirit is simple,
ignorant and has no
experience, "God
supplies what is lacking
through his
inexperience, by tracing
out for him the road
which he has to follow"
(The Spirits’ Book,
262). 2) when possessed
by evil intentions or
still being too
primitive, God may
impose on him an
existence He know will
be useful for this
Spirit; but "God can
afford to wait; He never
hurries the work of
expiation" (The Spirits’
Book, 262-A and 337).
The doubt about
spiritual planning of
marriage can be solved
with the following
teachings, transmitted
Emmanuel, which
was the spiritual mentor
of Francisco Cândido
1.) Normally we plan the
formation of our family,
before our earthly
rebirth, with the help
and supervision of the
Spirits of High Degree.
We commonly call old
partners of unhappy
adventures, programming
our life with them,
giving those help and
opportunity, so that we
give them hope of
elevation, probation,
and improvement. From
all the social
institutions existing on
Earth, family is the
most important one.
(Emmanuel, Life and Sex,
chap. 17).
2.) The familiar school
has its sacred origins
in the spiritual sphere.
In its ties, all those
who compromised gather,
in the Beyond, to
develop on Earth a
constructive task of
real and definite
fraternity (Emmanuel,
The Consoler, item 175).
3.) Marriage on Earth is
always a result of
certain resolutions
taken in the Infinite
life, before
reincarnating, reason
which the human unions
are foreseen in the
existence of
individuals, in the dark
background of expiations
or in the inventory of
values from the missions
that regenerate and
sanctify (Emmanuel, The
Consoler, 179). And for
those to truly
accomplish their tasks,
it is needed an absolute
faith in God, so that in
prayers and spiritual
awareness they will find
the best defense
(Emmanuel, The Consoler,
4.) Almost always,
Spirits linked to the
couple are interested in
the Beyond for the
constitution of family,
because of their own
needs of improving and
probations, progress and
correction. In face of
that, cooperate, in
decisive action, for the
approximation of the
future parents, getting
home, by the process of
pregnancy and birth,
requesting their share
of love it is due to
them (Emmanuel, Life and
Sex, chap. 11).
Types of marriage
existing on Earth
According to
André Luiz there
are four types of
marriage on Earth: there
are unions of love;
there are those of
fraternity; the ones
of probation and,
finally, the ones
created for
Spiritual marriage is
accomplished soul to
soul. "The others are
simple processes of
solving our debts" ("Our
Home", book
psychographed by
Francisco Cândido
Xavier, chap. 38, pg.
In the same book, the
author gives us the
information that "in the
current development
state of the planet,
there are on Earth rare
unions of soul mates,
reduced marriages of
soul brothers or alike,
and a smashing
percentage of
probations. The largest
number of human couples
is actually forced to be
so, like handcuffs"
("Our Home", chap. 20,
pg. 113).
And, because of that,
André Luiz got to
know the experience of
his friend Lísias, who
got engaged in the
spiritual plan,
preparing his return to
Earth, in a new
incarnation. He ignored
up to then that the
basis of earthly unions
are found in the
spiritual life, but his
biggest surprise was to
know that Lísias and his
fiancée had already
accumulated several
failures experiencing
marriage on Earth,
because of lack of auto
control, reasons of
their previous failures.