The bond which connects Spiritism to the Christian doctrine
In the study done, in the chapter I of the book Genesis, about the three great revelations of the Law of God, Kardec was clear.
Let’s see what the Compiler told us.
Moses – says Kardec – has revealed to men the knowledge of the only true God, Sovereign Master of all things. He has promulgated the law of Sinai, and laid the foundation of true faith.
Christ – recalls the Compiler –,taking from the ancient laws all that is eternal and divine, rejecting only that which was transitory, because purely disciplinary and of human conception, also adds a revelation of the future life of which Moses had not spoken, - with its retributions and recompenses which await all mankind after physical dissolution.
If Christ did not impart all the truth which he was capable of giving, he thought it better to leave some truths in shadow until men should be capable of comprehending them. As it is said in John, 14:16, 25 and 26: «And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may be with you for ever, These things have I spoken unto you, while [yet] abiding with you. But the Comforter, [even] the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you. »
18 centuries later, Spiritism arises and, from the words of Christ himself, as the latter took on from Moses, it is – according to Kardec’s text – “direct consequence of his doctrine”.
The bond which connects the three revelations could not be exposed more clearly.
The Spiritist Doctrine, whose advent occurred in a favorable time for the spreading of knowledge, added to the previous revelations important information, as the confirmation of the existence of an invisible world which surrounds us; the definition of the ties which unite the soul and the body and, consequently, the dissipation of the veil which impaired the mysteries of birth and death.
With the lights brought by Spiritism, men know where they came from, where they are going to, why they are on Earth, why they temporarily suffer, and see the justice of God all over, aware that, as Jesus taught us, loving God and the next one constitutes the main task of all of us.