Every time we begin a new
year comes to mind the
episode provoked by a
well-known Evangelical
leader in Maringá (PR), who
announced for some months
that the world was going to
end between the December
24-31, 1999, when then Jesus
would take his faithful
followers. The outcome
everybody knows, as this
issue’s leader recalls,
entitled “The end of the
world that ended up not
One of the highlights of
this issue is the interview
delivered to our
collaborator and editor
Wellington Balbo by the
confrere Edmir Garcia, from
Bebedouro (SP). Philosophy
and History teacher in his
city and current president
at the USE from Bebedouro,
the confrere has great
concern towards the young
Spiritist, sectors that we
need to incentivize, as he
proposes in the interview.
Another highlight of this
issue is the Special
entitled “Extremes and
differences”, by Orson Peter
Carrara, which reminds us
that, due to our successive
existences, we can learn
continuously, redress the
balance and make up for our
mistakes. “This is
reincarnation, no strings
attached”, says the
Divaldo Franco launched in
Curitiba, at the end of the
year, his latest book,
entitled “The Message of
Immortal Love”, by the
Spirit Amelia Rodrigues.
After the lecture, which
took place at FEP, there was
the autograph time. On the
following day, he delivered
conference for a great crowd
at Paraná Club, as it’s
shown by Claudia Rojas,
correspondent of the
magazine in Curitiba, in a
special story that is also
one of the highlights of
this issue.
We finish this issue the
study on the book In the
greater world, by André
Luiz, which will be followed
by the book Liberation,
also psychographed by
Francisco Cândido Xavier.