Lessons for the mediums
and unpublished facts
Before starting an
stylistic and literary
analysis of the books
and Spiritual authors in
the works of the medium
Divaldo Franco is worth
to highlight some of
their particularities,
what until now never
occurred with any other
medium in one hundred
and fifty years of
history of Spiritism.
By the end of 1948 the
spirits began to
manifest themselves
through Divaldo by
writing, transmitting
several messages. Many
thought it would be
pretentious to embrace
one more task as a
medium, because he was
already starting to act
as a medium speaker and
educator. But he was at
the service of the good
spirits and the
multiplicity of gifts
and multiplication of
talents are foreshadowed
in the Gospel.
Divaldo consulted with
more experienced
friends, among them
Chico Xavier
(1910-2002), asking for
guidance and
consultation on this new
mission that he had,
writing thru channelling
of spirits, various
instructions which
encouraged him to
continue this task.
Divaldo then went to
discipline himself in
one more mediumistic
gift, becoming a great
messenger of
immortality, receiving
messages of spiritual
consolation from several
figures of universal
thought. After some
years writing
psychography messages,
the guiding spirits
advised Divaldo to burn
the first messages
because they were only
an exercise and only in
1964 he published his
first psychographic
We can draw five
important lessons for
beginners in mediumship,
based on the admirable
example of Divaldo:
1st) There are many
mediums that after
receiving a mediumistic
message are in a rush to
publish it instantly, or
within one year. Let’s
avoid this childish
rush, which arises
perhaps due to
immaturity or to the
need of
self-reassurance; one
must wait for the right
moment to do so with the
necessary humility.
Divaldo waited fifteen
years to publish his
first psychographic book
because the mediums that
are serving the good
spirits can wait for the
favourable time to give
a better publicity to
what the spirits are
writing. Moreover, as
Allan Kardec said, we
are not obliged to
publish everything that
the spirits transmit
(Spiritist Magazine
November 1859) and,
therefore, with humility
and trust, we will know
the best time.
2nd) When at the
beginning of
psychographic mediumship,
one should not think
that it is already
finished, with nothing
to improve or perfect.
The rule - allowing very
exceptional exceptions -
is that there is a
development and maturing
over time, with much
practice and discipline,
improving the exchange
is the mediumistic
The psychography of
Divaldo Franco
inaugurated a new phase
in the mediumistic
spiritist literature
3rd) You should not be
intimidated by the
possible sufferings
which have been set for
the workers of Jesus’
harvest. Good shall be
first. Divaldo was not
intimidated with
prophecies about the
difficulties that
occurred, the
misunderstandings and
attacks that he faced in
psychographic activity
and fortunately he
remained steadfast.
4th) Do not retaliate
unprovoked or unfounded
attacks, because the
best response of a
disciple of Jesus must
be the incessant work in
the Harvest and
therefore Divaldo never
retaliated any attack or
offence. He never had
time to reply to
controversies, because
the joy of controversial
people is to create
confusion and put it in
evidence. The correct
action is to allow time
for the task to
establish the truth and
that’s exactly what
happened because time is
showing that the
psychography of Divaldo
opened a new phase in
the mediumistic
spiritist literature, as
we shall see in coming
5th) Never deviate from
the evangelical
behaviour - forgiveness,
understanding etc. –
towards your neighbour,
in any event, even if
everything appears to be
against us.
Fortunately that’s the
way Divaldo led and we
can list twelve facts
totally unprecedented in
the history of Spiritism
that happened through
his psychography.
Here are the facts:
1) Divaldo was the only
medium that wrote a
psychographic book
entirely in a language
that was not his, a
remarkable phenomenon of
xenoglossia (which is to
speak or write in
languages which is
unknown to the medium).
The book was “Hacia las
estrellas” (Towards the
Stars), in Spanish,
1990, LEAL Ed. / BA.
Note that we are talking
about a “entire
psychographic book” and
not just one or two
messages, which has
already happened with
several other mediums,
including Divaldo
2) Divaldo was the only
medium that wrote about
140 psychographic books
by May 2004, that is,
within the first 40
years of mediumistic
publications. Just to
give an idea and
reference, remember that
the blessed medium Chico
Xavier (1910-2002),
which is the medium that
wrote the most
psychographic books over
400 works), published
his first psychographic
book in 1932 (Parnassus
from beyond the grave,
Ed . FEB) and in its
first 40 years (until
1972), published one
hundred and twenty one
books Communication,
Francisco Cândido
Xavier, 66 Years of
Mediumship, Year 26, No
158, January 1993, GEEM
- Emmanuel Spiritist
Group S / C Editora, São
Bernardo do Campo,
1993). We must also
remember that Chico
Xavier devoted
primarily to
psychographic while
Divaldo is a medium
speaker, medium
educator, psychographic
medium, give interviews
to radio, TV,
magazines, newspapers,
internet, and receive
continuous tributes by
Brazil and the world.
Also, remember that
Chico Xavier was about
20 years older than
Divaldo was the only
medium considered
persona non grata and
prohibited from entering
a country
3) Divaldo was the only
medium that wrote
psychographic books with
modern themes and
totally unprecedented in
spiritist psychography.
Since 1857 the
mediumistic literature
is held (and still is
occupied) of evangelical
themes, morals, poetry,
chronicles, history of
Christianity, the
spiritual world on the
basis of certain
incarnations of spirits,
but the medium Divaldo
Franco began a new
mediumistic phase in the
literature, since many
of his books dealing
with areas of
psychology, psychiatry
and psychopathology,
linking them to
mediumship and
obsession. The
psychologist Dr. Maria
Cristina Carvalho DELOU,
with pos-graduate
studies at UERJ, who was
director of the
Brazilian Association
for the gifted in 1987,
examined the books of
the Spirit Joanna de
Angelis psychographed by
Divaldo treating the
subject of Psychology
and, making a parallel
with the "Fourth Force
in Psychology"
(Transpersonal), thus
expressed herself:
"Joanna is an expert in
human problems" and "her
language, is
scientifically modern,
especially with respect
to the initial
discussion on the change
of paradigm ... ". We
note here this
important historical
4) Divaldo was the only
medium that
psychographic seven
books during travel
abroad while make
presentations (a medium
does not routinely work
both mediumistic
faculties - the oratory
and psychographic). We
emphasize again that we
are talking of seven
books, and not only of
one or another message,
as may have occurred
with other mediums and
has already happened
with Divaldo.
5) Divaldo was the only
medium that
psychographed hundreds
of messages in several
countries where he was
making speeches in the
historical and cultural
discussed, because the
message content was the
place itself and
sometimes the content of
messages was not known
by young people of the
6) Divaldo was the only
medium considered
persona non grata and
prohibited from entering
a country (in the case,
Portugal and its African
colonies in 1972),
precisely because a
message from the spirit
of Monsignor Manuel
Alves da Cunha
(1872-1947) contained
descriptions of facts
that were not well known
(see Book of Hope Sun,
Various Spirits, LEAL
Ed. / BA) and were
almost a state secret.
7) Divaldo was the only
medium summoned by an
international police
(the PIDE in Africa), to
explain the historical
information of the
country, contained in a
message psychographic,
as stated in item 6
production of
psychographic Divaldo is
encyclopaedic, but he
has not finished high
8) Of more than the 260
spirits who manifested
through Divaldo that are
recorded in books, when
they were incarnated
they had fifteen
different professional
activities (Nobel Prize
winner, philologists
from Brazilian Academy
of writers,
Scientists, Poets,
Military, Educators,
Mediums, spiritual
figures, Politicians,
Presidents of the
Republic, religious,
sports champions and
Saints), and different
origins, which is
nevertheless a very
important point to
emphasize, because it
indicates the cultural
diversity of spirits.
With regard to the
origin of these spirits
we find a very
interesting situation:
Europe (spirits
communicating from nine
countries), America
(spirits communicating
from six countries and
16 states of Brazil),
Africa (spirits
communicating in two
countries) and Asia
(Spirit communicating
from one country).
9) In just one hundred
family messages
psychographed by Divaldo
(among thousands) of
sixty spirits to their
loved ones, we noted
more than 750 features
and details in the same
family. Divaldo did not
know most of the many
communicating spirits
and their families,
which completely removes
any possibility of any
incorrect animated
justification or
telepathic. More
important is to
emphasize that these
loved ones were doctors,
lawyers, architects,
diplomats, writers etc.
This means that these
people were fully able
to assess the
psychographies and their
10) A vade-mecum
(thematic dictionary) is
being reviewed of all
books produced by the
medium Divaldo (the
psychographed, the
compilations, the
biographical etc.), Work
that totalled more than
20 thousand references
and some three thousand
entries (subjects),
which also reinforces
the high content of its
cultural psychography.
11) After considering
four psychographic books
by Divaldo from the
spirit of Manoel de
Carvalho Vianna
(1874-1926), which was a
great spiritist speaker
from Ceara, I found that
nearly five hundred
names of people known in
history were quote, in
several areas of action
and different places.
With respect to other
quotes by this Spirit in
these books (citations
historical, political,
biblical, literary and
medical) there are about
1100 of them. The
psychographic production
of the medium Divaldo, I
repeat, is
encyclopaedic, but
remember that he didn’t
even attended high
12) There has never been
a medium so productive,
that psychographed so
many books, so bulky
(novels, treaties etc.),
More than 400 pages,
14x21 cm.
We clarified that in any
way we mean that Divaldo
is a better medium than
others or even that he
is different from the
others. I just wanted to
point out some
peculiarities in his
mediumistic psychography
and unprecedented things
that happened to him,
which nobody can deny.
In the next article will
begin rigorous
comparative analysis of
some Spiritual Authors
who dictated messages or
books by Divaldo with
the books they wrote
when they were incrnate.
automatic or channelling