The mechanism of the
conditions, affinity and
We present in this issue
the topic #99 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. According to the
Spiritism, what is a
2. Can we say that the
mediumistic faculty is
rooted in the organism
of the people?
3. Is there any
difference between
fluidic affinity and
moral affinity?
4. What are the existent
difficulties in the
mediumistic practice
which we should remedy
or at least minimize?
5. What are the factors
that are important for
the achievement of a
productive mediumistic
The mediumistic faculty
depends on the organism
of the people
1. Mediums, teaches the
Spiritism, are people
who are able to feel the
influence of the spirits
and convey their
thoughts. The mediumship
is an inherent faculty
to the man, since few
are those who do not
have the rudiment of
such faculty.
2. The perispiritual
fluid is the agent of
all spiritual phenomena,
which can only be
produced by the
interplay of fluids from
the medium and the
Spirit. The development
of the mediumistic
faculty depends,
therefore, on the nature
more or less expansive
of the perispirit of the
medium and on the more
or less facility of
being assimilated by the
perispirit of the spirit
who will communicate
through the medium.
3. The mediumistic
faculty, therefore,
depends on the organism
and can be developed
when the principle
exists in the
individual. The organic
predisposition does not
depend, however, on the
person's age, gender and
4. The relationship
between spirits and
mediums are established
through their
perispirits, depending
on the ease of these
relations, on the degree
of affinity between them.
We can not, however,
never ignore that the
mind remains the basis
of all mediumistic
Fluidic affinity and
moral affinity are
different things
5. We learnt with André
Luiz that every soul
involves in the circle
of the living forces
which sweat from one’s
mental breath, in the
sphere of the creatures
that emanate it, in
obedience to their needs
of adjustment or growth
for the immortality. We
act and react one on the
other - tells André Luiz
- through the mental
energy we are constantly
renewing, creating,
nurturing and destroying
forms and situations,
landscapes and things,
in the structuring of
our destiny.
6. There can be, between
a particular spirit and
a medium, fluidic
affinity and no moral
affinity, as there can
be moral affinity and no
fluidic affinity. This,
the fluidic affinity
depends on the
constitution of the
spiritual body of the
medium and of the Spirit’s.
The moral affinity is
the consequence of the
spiritual advancement
reached by one and other.
7. There are some
difficulties in the
mediumistic practice
that we should, whenever
possible, seek to
rectify, or at least
minimize. We highlight,
among them, the lack of
study, the deficiency of
moral illumination, the
lack of perseverance,
lack of attendance, the
impatience etc. These
deficiencies can lead to
difficulty in
harmonizing the
vibrations and thoughts.
8. It is exactly in the
combination of psychic
forces and thoughts
between the mediums and
experimenters, on one
side, and between them
and the spirits, on
another side, that law
of the demonstrations
entirely lays on.
Harmony is essential
to a good mediumistic
9. The conditions of
experiments are
favourable when the
medium and the
assistants constitute a
harmonic group. Other
factors that also favour
the success of the
mediumistic meetings are
the silence and
meditation. If, however,
there is disagreement or
disharmony in the team,
there will be clear
difficulties in
achieving a good
mediumistic exchange.
10. Quite often, the
lack of method, lack of
continuity and lack of a
safe direction in the
mediumistic experiences
may make sterile the
good will of the mediums
and the aspirations,
even if legitimate, of
the experimenters.
11. Aware that the
communications must be
rigorously examined, the
medium must accept
gratefully, and even ask
the critical examination
of the communications
which one was the
12. A productive
mediumistic work should
therefore take
precedence for the study,
for the effort on moral
improvement, for the
perseverance, for the
humility, for the
attendance, for the
discipline on the part
of the members of the
team, and be exercised
in an environment of
silence, prayer,
meditation and
seriousness focusing on
the welfare and
spiritual improvement of
the next.
1. According to the
Spiritism, what is a
A.: Medium is the person
who is able to feel the
influence of the spirits
and convey their
thoughts. The mediumship
is an inherent faculty
to the man, since few
are those who do not
have the rudiment of
such faculty.
2. Can we say that the
mediumistic faculty is
rooted in the organism
of the people?
A.: Yes. The mediumistic
faculty depends on the
organism and can be
developed when the
principle exists in the
individual. The organic
predisposition does not
depend, however, on the
person's age, gender and
3. Is there any
difference between
fluidic affinity and
moral affinity?
A.: Yes. There can be,
between a particular
spirit and a medium,
fluidic affinity and no
moral affinity, as there
can be moral affinity
and no fluidic affinity.
The fluidic affinity
depends on the
constitution of the
spiritual body of the
medium and of the Spirit’s.
The moral affinity is
the consequence of the
spiritual advancement
reached by one and other.
4. What are the existent
difficulties in the
mediumistic practice
which we should remedy
or at least minimize?
A.: The difficulties
that we must rectify or
minimize are, mainly,
the lack of study, the
deficiency of moral
illumination, the lack
of perseverance, lack of
attendance and
5. What are the factors
that are important for
the achievement of
productive mediumistic
A.: The conditions of
experiments are
favourable when the
medium and assistants
constitute a harminic
group. A productive
mediumistic work should,
also, take precedence
for the study, for the
effort on moral
improvement, for the
perseverance, for the
humility, for the
attendance, for the
discipline on the part
of the members of the
team, and be exercised
in an environment of
silence, prayer,
meditation and
seriousness focusing on
the welfare and
spiritual improvement of
the next.
Book of Mediums; by
Allan Kardec, FEB, 41st
ed., Ch. 29, item 329,
and cap. 31, item XXIII.
Posthumous works; by
Allan Kardec, FEB, 13th
ed., Manifestations of
spirits, items 33 to 35.
In the Invisible;
by Léon Denis, FEB, 7th
edition, pp. 84 and 89.
Mediumship without tears;
by Elisha Rigonatti,
LAKE, 5th ed., Pp. 34,
46 and 47.
In the fields of the
Mediumship; by
André Luiz, Chico Xavier
of psychographic, FEB,
9th ed., Pp. 11 to 17.