Identifying the origin
of spiritual
We present in this issue
the topic #108 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. Is it important to
Spiritism to identify
the spirits who
2. When does the
identification of the
spirit who is
communicating become
3. What is the criteria
that we must use to
identify the quality of
the spirit communicating?
4. Which advice is given
by Kardec to us related
to the analysis of the
spiritual communications?
5. Is it possible to
distinguish good spirits
from bad spirits by the
impression they cause on
Identifying spirits of
old celebrities is the
most difficul
1. The issue of
identifying who the
spirits are is very
complicated because
spirits cant show you ID
and some of them adopt
famous names which are
not theirs. For this
reason, behind obsession,
this is one of the most
difficult tasks for our
religion, Spiritism.
Although many times it
represents little or no
importance whatsoever.
2. Identifying the
quality of spirits is a
different story to which
we only need common
sense. The noble spirits
only use noble language
and expressions,
dignified messages with
a high percentage of
morality. However, the
language that inferior
spirits use is
inconsequent, average
and mostly rude.
Spiritism teaches us
that the spirits
communicating must be
identified by their
concepts, ideas and the
moral essence of their
words. As well as the
quality of their advice
and the feelings they
inspire on us.
3. When the spirit of
someone we know
communicates, a friend
or a relative for
example, they show
certain way of saying
things that we recognise,
like when he/she was
incarnated and we knew
them. Which it’s an
important way of
4. Identifying spirits
who used to be
celebrities while they
were incarnated is
harder. Sometimes it’s
not possible to happen
because we can only
evaluate the
communication by its
moral side which is a
limitation. This doesn’t
happen with spirits we
used to know well as we
can identify specific
We should always analyse
carefully each
communication from the
5. The most genuine
proves of identity are
given by spirits that
are not known by the
medium nor by his/her
assistants. These
messages can give
elements of
identification that, in
a later evaluation, are
proven to be correct.
6. The codifier of
Spiritism dedicated
chapter XXIV, second
part, items 215 to 268
of the Mediums Book, to
the matter of
identifying spirits.
This is a summary of
what he wrote:
After obsession, the
matter of identifying
spirits is one of the
most difficult of the
practical Spiritism;
Many evolved spirits
don’t have a name to
give to us;
The identification is
easier if they are
contemporary spirits;
Proof of identities
appear naturally;
The signature and the
handwriting are a
partial proof;
The best proof is in the
language and
circumstances, but not
in the shape of the
message, rather in its
meaning. Because
ignorance won’t replace
ever wisdom and wrong
doing will never will
never copy the true
virtue: always somewhere
the untrue will appear;
The identity of spirits
can be considered a
second place matter, but
the distinction between
bad spirits and good
ones is not;
We can judge spirits
communications by their
use of language:
everything that come
from them that shows
lack of goodness or
righteousness cannot
come from evolved
Intelligence is not a
sign of superiority,
because intelligence and
good morals not always
come together;
The signs from evolved
spirits are their morals
superiority and language;
7. Kardec recommend us
to submit all
communications to an
careful analysis,
examining carefully the
moral and ideas of them.
We should reject with no
hesitation everything
that is against morals
and common sense,
everything that doesn’t
agree with the evolved
spirit’s behaviour that
it has been tried to
show in the
communication. The
codification says: “We
repeat that this way is
unique because it doesn’t
ever fail. There is not
a bad and fraudulent
communication that can
take a strict critic.” (
The Mediums Book, cap.
XXIV, item 266).
8. In chapter XXIV, item
267 of the same book,
the Codification
mentions 26 ways to
recognise the quality of
the spirits who are
communicating. These
ways should be always
taken in consideration
and should be studied
carefully by all mediums
and directors of group
of mediums.
It’s possible to
recognise spirits by the
impression they cause on us
9. It’s necessary to
understand that is not
always needed to
identify the spirits who
are communicating. When
we are in a medium’s
meeting for treating
spiritual obsession,
there isn’t always the
need of discovering the
disturbed spirit’s
identity. The spirits
are, in the majority of
the cases, highly
disturbed and that’s why
it’s not advisable to
ask them for names or
other means of
10. The spirits that
usually communicate in
these medium’s meetings
become known and liked
as part of the team.
When they communicate,
they are recognised by
the team by their way of
speaking, by their style
of messages and by the
moral part of their
11. If the same spirit
communicates through
another medium, it can
suffer the influence of
the medium’s thoughts.
The influence that the
medium has on the spirit’s
communication is
considerable. The
loyalty of the medium’s
interpretation of the
communication can be
more or sometimes less
authentic. It depends on
the diversity of ideas
and resources that the
medium shows.
12. In general, we can
distinguish, through the
sensitivity of the
medium, the degree of
evolution of the spirits
who give us good
impressions or bad ones.
Kardec taught: “Many
mediums recognise good
or bad spirits by the
good or bad impression
that the spirits cause
when approaching the
mediums.” When the
spirit is happy, it is
calm and serene; when
the spirit is unhappy,
it is agitated and this
agitation passes
naturally to the nervous
system of the medium. If
the spirit returns to
communicate in the same
group of mediums, it’s
possible for them to
identify the spirit by
the impression it causes
when approaching.
1. Is it important to
Spiritism to identify
the spirits who
No. Although it’s a
difficulty to be
overcome in Spiritism,
this matter is secondary
and of not much
2. When does the
identification of the
spirit who is
communicating become
The identification of
old celebrities spirits
is harder and sometimes
impossible. The opposite
happens when the spirit
is contemporary, when
its habits and
characteristics are
known, which makes
identification easier.
3. What is the criteria
that we must use to
identify the quality of
the spirit communicating?
To identify the quality
of spirits who are
communicating we must
use of common sense. The
evolved spirits use of
very good and dignified
language with a high
dose of morality in
their communication. The
bad spirits use of
inconsequent and average
language, sometimes
being extremely rude.
The spirits should be
identified according to
their ideas and by the
moral essence of their
words, as well as the
impression, feelings
they cause. Also the
quality of the advice
they give.
4. Which advice is given
by Kardec to us related
to the analysis of the
spiritual communications?
Kardec advises us to
analyse carefully the
thoughts and expressions
used behind all
communications. We
should reject with no
hesitation the ones who
contradicts common sense
and the morals of good
5. Is it possible to
distinguish good spirits
from bad spirits by the
impression they cause on
Yes. In general we can
distinguish the quality
of spirits through the
sensitivity of the
medium. It can give us
good impressions or bad
ones. When the spirit is
happy, it is calm and
serene. When the spirit
is unhappy, it is
agitated and this
agitation is passed to
the nervous system of
the medium.