The programming of the ones who return to the world
As highlighted during the interview conceded by the confrere Adnilson Luis Andrade Silva to this magazine this week, divulging Spiritism constitutes, effectively, an important task and even a priority, given the benefits that the Spiritist knowledge brings to the people who have contact with it.
A new vision of death and life, here is an important factor which can have direct consequences to the way how people behave during the short period through which we pass in the world that starts in the cot and ends in the grave.
Why do we live?
What is the objective of our passage through here?
Why some die so early and others stay years prostrated?
What does the Creator of life and things wait from us?
Out of the subjects covered by Spiritism, one should appear more frequently in our conversations and lectures. We refer to the well-know reincarnatory programming. The duration of a corporeal existence, the profession to be performed, family, successes and failures, the trials of material nature, the moral trials, these are all topics which form, as we know, the programming of a person who returns to the world scenario, a fact that should not cause any surprise, once planning has occupied an important position in our day-to-day life since a long time ago.
We decide, for instance, to spend a holiday on the coast in Sao Paulo. Where can we stay? Will we utilize a rented or a borrowed property? When should we depart? How long will we be away? Will we go by bus or by car? When will we return? Will the financial resources suffice? Are there bank agencies in the city we will visit?
All questions presented and their respective answers form a guide, which is nothing more but a simple holiday plan. And the reader must notice that is all about a short travel which will certainly take less than 30 days!
The reincarnation, that is, the return of someone to the corporeal existence is, to the contrary, a long travel whose objective is not, like in the example mentioned, enjoying a holiday. It is something more profound, with psychological aims and complex purposes, which involve a large group of people, whose destinies are interconnected.
This is what we call reincarnatory programming, which, obviously, like any plan, can suffer modifications on the way, as shown in one of the cases described in the work of André Luiz. According to the author, a very simple family, a couple and four children, suddenly started facing a tough trial with the decease by suicide of the head of the house. As suicide is not part of any programming, the evasion of that father caused an unexpected difficulty to the wife and children, which makes necessary a program review for them, that is, a reprogramming, in which is notorious the participation of the spiritual protectors who watch for the families, as the Church always taught with its references to the guardian angels.
So, given the reincarnatory programming of a person, it becomes easy to answer the questions proposed above: Why do we live? What is the objective of our passage through here? Why some die so early and others stay years prostrated? What does the Creator of life and things wait from us?