the central theme of the
interview conceded by the
confrere Valci Silva, the
subject “drugs” hasn’t been
as discussed as it should be
in the Spiritist Movement,
despite the well-known
consequences caused by them,
as shows this week’s
editorial, entitled Drugs
and their consequences.
One of the highlights this
week is the interview that
the confrere Valci Silva,
from Tupã (SP), conceded to
our collaborator and editor
Orson Peter Carrara.
The interview’s theme is
“drugs” and their noxious
Spiritist since 1982 and
clinical psychologist,
specialized in chemical
dependency, Valci
coordinates the “Program of
Care to Chemical Dependents”
of the Mental Health
Ambulatory in Tupã and has
written a book which focuses
on the interview’s topic.
Another highlight in this
issue is the special report
Death penalty from a
Spiritist perspective,
written by the confrere
Jorge Hessen, who affirms,
based on the Spiritist
teachings, that one day,
when mankind becomes more
enlightened, the death
penalty will be completely
abolished from Earth.
The 6th Spiritist Social
Communication Symposium of
Sao Paulo took place early
this month in Campinas (SP),
which presented “Spiritist
Social Communication and
Education” as its central
theme, as shows the report
by Dermeval Carinhana
Junior, which is also a
highlight in this edition.
This week reminds us the
creation of the first
Brazilian Spiritist Center
following the model
recommend by Allan Kardec –
the Familiar Group of
Spiritism, founded on 17th
September 1865 by Luís
Olímpio Telles de Menezes in