Hugo, 96 years of life
and examples
On last 3rd October, a festive dinner in Londrina celebrated the 96th birthday of the confrere and friend Hugo Gonçalves, founder and director of the newspaper O Imortal, which is like this magazine’s older brother, and for this reason it composes many sections of our website.
A dinner or any similar festivity is, however, insufficient to show to this beloved friend how much we estimate and owe him for everything we’ve received from him.
Hugo Gonçalves is, not only a caring and generous brother known by many of us, but a Spiritist example who doesn’t sactisfy himself simply by giving his collaboration, but he works intensively – since his youth – in different areas reached by Spiritism.
Regardless if divulging, providing social assistence or in the Unification Movement, Hugo has been the great leader of a work that has already produced delicious fruits and tends to produce much more in a piece of a country that we expect to become the Heart of the World and the Home of the Gospel, what only depends on us and on our effort.
Our friend reached 96 years of full activity, fact that evidences how an existence free of vices and dedicated to the neighbor can last for many healthy years.
In Cambé, in Londrina and in many other places, Hugo is also known as “Paizinho” (Dad), an affectionate treatment that appeared as a result of his relationship with the children who one day the fortune brought to the Infant’s Home Marília Barbosa, an institution founded by Luís Picinin but administered, since the beginning, by Hugo and his beloved Dulce.
A direct pupil of Cairbar Schutel, who is also recognized by his kindness and simplicity, Hugo assimilated the lessons of his old mentor very well and, because of that, whoever has been close to him, gets the best impressions that a human being can transmit to other.
One facet of our friend’s work that is usually ignored regards the Spiritist Unification Movement in Parana state, whose federative system, with the creation of the Spiritist Regional Unions, has much to thank to Hugo’s effort, view and limitless dedication.
In regard to his performance in divulging Spiritism, the newspaper O Imortal itself, with its 55 years of uninterrrupted circulation, exempts any comments, as Hugo is not only the founder and director, but also the soul, mind and heart – heart that should beat for many, many more years, because, more than ever, we need people like Hugo Gonçalves on Earth.