We present in this issue
the topic #142 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. What maximum of Allan
Kardec is one of the
slogans of Spiritualism?
2. Referring to this
principle, Paul of
Tarsus (Spirit) said
that it is closed the
destinies of men on
earth and in heaven.
What does Paul mean?
3. What is the meaning
of the word charity as
the Spiritism teachings?
4. Commonly confused
with charity, the
charity is wrong?
5. In that philanthropy
can be distinguished
from true love?
Kardec add the sentence
"Without Charity there
is no salvation"
1. At all times there
were creatures who
taught love, but few
have practiced really,
like Jesus, who
exemplified not only as
expressly stated to the
path that can lead to
human creature to the
kingdom of heaven.
2. Allan Kardec clearly
understood the teaching
of Christ and therefore
set the theme of
Spiritualism's famous
phrase "Without Charity
there is no salvation",
first used by the
encoder in the book
"What is Spiritism,"
released in 1859.
3. Commenting that
maximum wrote Paul of
Tarsus (Spirit): "My
children, in order:
Without Charity there is
no salvation are closed
the destinies of men on
earth and in heaven on
earth, because the
shadow of that banner
they will live in peace
; in heaven, because
there are those who find
it by practiced before
the Lord. This device is
the torch of heaven, the
luminous column that
guides man in the desert
of life, directing it to
the Promised Land. It
shines in the sky, as
holy halo on the
forehead of the elect,
and on earth, is found
engraved on the hearts
of those whom Jesus will
say: Pass the right,
blessed of my Father
Acknowledge them-I love
the smell of spreading
in around him. Nothing
expresses more
accurately the thought
of Jesus, nothing sums
up so well the duties of
man, as the maximum of
divine order.
Spiritualism could not
better prove its source,
rather than presenting
it as a rule, so that is
a reflection of pure
Christianity. Taking it
to the guide, the man
never went astray.“ (The
Gospel According to
Spiritism, chap. XV,
item 10.)
4. For the purpose of
study is necessary to
establish the difference
between charity, charity
and philanthropy. With
respect to charity, the
question 886 of "The
Spirits' Book" explains
that the true sense of
the word, as Jesus
understood it,
encompasses three
virtues: benevolence
towards all, indulgence
for the imperfections of
others and forgiveness
of sins.
The charity is not
restricted to offering
5. The charity,
according to this
understanding is not,
therefore, to give alms
but encompasses all
relationships where we
are with our fellow men,
whether they are in a
position of inferiority,
equality or superiority
over us. Charity in
prescribing indulgence,
because we also need
forgiveness, and
prohibits the
unfortunate humble,
contrary to what is
usually done in the
world in which we live.
6. The man truly seeks
to raise charitable and
not demean, in his own
eyes, that it is lower,
reducing the distance
that separates them. As
the virtue par
excellence, charity is
the highest expression
of human feeling, on the
basis of which the tall
buildings of the Spirit
are for steadfastness
unfold activities
ennobled the benefit of
all people.
7. Commonly confused
with charity, the
charity exceeds, in any
way considered, external
grants that the man
thought to be in such
activity to end it. The
charity, of course, does
not deserve
condemnation, but the
way it is usually given.
A good man who
understands the charity
according to the thought
of Christ, is consistent
with the wretched,
without waiting for it
to reach out, knowing
that the man condemned
to beg degrades
physically and morally
and oppresses.
8. Without doubt, it is
all valuable gesture of
generosity, when
embodied in a timely
gift to the one who
suffers from this or
that deprivation.
However, the charity
that is limited to
offering transitional
nothing more than
philanthropy, this act
of brotherly love and
human that distinguishes
the people who designed
the building up large
sums of works of
unquestionable value,
funding multiple sectors
of science, art and
For legitimate charity
is essential to faith
9. Henry Ford, John
Rockefeller, Ted Turner
and Bill Gates have been
or are philanthropists
emeritus, whose
contribution to humanity
is invaluable quality
services. Vincent de
Paul, Father Damien,
John Bosco, Mother
Teresa and many others
of similar stature have
become apostles of love,
because, having nothing
in terms of transient
values, they offered
treasures of love and
enriched millions of
lives pollen of hope,
health, joy of living.
10. Joanna de Angellis
says that the legitimate
charity requires as
prerequisite to faith.
The charity - says
Joanna - is mostly
Christian. Philanthropy,
despite the valuable
help they serve, depends
on the faith and is not
characterized by the
Christian sentiment.
Irreligious, can arise
in any individual.
11. Charity and down and
felt true brotherhood
among men, as are all
children of one father
and, just as the spirits
above the bolster and
sustain the human
struggles, we must also
bolster our fellow human
beings, including those
society as criminal.
12. Let us not judge the
actions committed by
these fellows, help them
in what we can, because
the charity, as we have
seen, implies the need
for forgiveness and
kindness to all, without
Answer Key
1. What maximum of Allan
Kardec is one of the
slogans of
The maxim is "Out of
love there is no
salvation", which was
first used by the
encoder in the book
"What is Spiritism",
released in 1859.
2. Referring to this
principle, Paul of
Tarsus (Spirit) said
that it is closed the
destinies of men on
earth and in heaven.
What does Paul mean?
He explained that by
saying that, on Earth,
in the shadow of that
banner men will live in
peace and in heaven,
that is, in the spirit
world, there are those
who find it practiced
thanks to the Lord.
3. What is the meaning
of the word charity as
the Spiritism
As we read in the 886th
issue of "The Book of
Spirits, love, as Jesus
understood it, includes
kindness to all,
indulgence of the
imperfections of others
and forgiveness of sins.
4. Commonly confused
with charity, the
charity is wrong?
No. The charity does not
deserve condemnation,
but the way it is
usually given.
5. In that philanthropy
can be distinguished
from true love?
Philanthropy, despite
the valuable help they
serve, depend on the
faith and is not
characterized by the
Christian sentiment.
Irreligious, can arise
in any individual.
Charity and down and
felt true brotherhood
among men, as are all
children of one father
and, just as the spirits
above the bolster and
sustain the human
struggles, we must also
bolster our fellow human
beings, including those
society as criminal.
Spirits’ Book, Allan
Kardec, questions 886
and 888.
Gospel According to
Spiritism, Allan Kardec,
cap. XI, item 14, and
cap. XV, item 10.
Light, Emmanuel,
psychographed by
Francisco Cândido
Xavier, p. 234.
Pearls of
Beyond, Francisco
Cândido Xavier, pp. 40 e
Dimensions of truth, de
Joanna de Ângelis,
psychographed by Divaldo
P. Franco, p. 122.
Studies, de Joanna de
Ângelis, psychographed
by Divaldo P. Franco,
pp. 121 e 122.