The vaccine against penury
is work
Why the Spiritism doesn't act in the human politics in order to help the less favoured?
This was one of the questions addressed to the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier during the interview he conceded to the famous TV programme Pinga Fogo with Chico Xavier, exhibited on the 28th July 1971, by the Tupi television channel.
The answer given by the medium was a model of brevity. The Spiritism never preached conformity. That is not the consequence of believing in planning existences, one of the ingredients in the reincarnation process.
Chico Xavier explained that the laws are magnanimous and that the cause of inequality and injustice is due to the imperfection of men who strive for power and wealth, who build their sand castles upon others’ misery, castles that are as fragile and as transitory as the human body.
"The vaccine against ignorance - stressed the medium - is education, and the vaccine against penury is work." The reform of the social organism will not come by decree; it will be the result of a profound modification of human beings through education.
As above mentioned, it was the year of 1971. Twenty years later, in September 1991, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia took advantage of the Soviet Union's delicate moment and declared their independence. These countries became part of the Soviet Union after the Second World War. On the first of December, Ukraine proclaimed its independence through a referendum which was supported by 90% of the population. A week later, the presidents of the republics of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus created in the city of Brest (Belarus), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), decreeing the end of the Soviet Union. On the 21st of December, 11 of the 15 Soviet republics, in Alma Ata, capital of Kazakhstan, endorsed the CIS, decreeing the end of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev continued to govern for more 4 days without any support until the 25th of December 1991, when he has resigned and declared that the Soviet Union would officially cease to exist on the 31st of December 1991. This was the end of the so-called communist paradise, which did not need a war to happen. This is a concrete proof that a paradise can be built, but cannot be decreed.
It is necessary to understand that the existent religions have a different focus on the purpose of life on Earth. If we assume that man is destined to a lasting legacy, which is our moral and intellectual improvement, as taught by the Spiritism, it gets clear what should guide our actions in life.
Instead of fighting to increase the savings account balance, the individual will seek to expand their knowledge...
Instead of dreaming of a luxurious mansion, the individual will try to achieve a sound moral life in order not only to collaborate for the welfare of his family, but also for all human beings...
Instead of dissipating their energy with addictions and excesses of any kind, the individual will do everything to balance mind and body, using every minute of his existence as an opportunity to achieve the goal that brought him to this world...
Admit it or not, these would be the consequences of a change in the human thinking about world and life, because - if we believe - we could all understand what Jesus meant by these words: “Lay no up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew, 6:19-34)
This is the meaning of the Spiritist teaching. The earthly life is transitory. The happiness we seek is not an exterior achievement, but an inner and intimate work, which produces changes to our mental field and modifies our behaviour regarding the world.
The authentic Christian receives the oppressions and vicissitude of life with a superior resignation, and understands that whatever their responsibility is in this life, it will be severely demanded, in exact proportion to the talents received, as recorded in Matthew the Evangelist known as the Parable of the Talents.
There is no reason for us to complain about what the others have. What we were given is precisely what we have asked for and what we need for this experience. If we are happy with little, for sure we will have other opportunities in future existences.
This understanding has nothing to do with harmful or extravagant conformism, it is merely the understanding of the mechanisms of life, which leads us to accept, without complaint, the loss of a child, a long term disease or being unsuccessful in business.