We all can and should
donate organs
The TV channels have been regularly showing testemonials from artists urging people to be sympathetic with the act of donating organs of their beloved ones. In fact, there are thousands of people waiting for a transplant, something that costs nothing to those who are returning to the spiritual life.
It is common knowledge in the spiritist movement the answer that Chico Xavier has given when asked if the spirits consider the transplants an act against the natural law. “No”, answered Chico. “They use the example of a piece of garment which a friend gives to us when it is no longer needed. It is natural for us, when we die, to donate our good organs to people in need, for those who can benefit of them”.
It is important to remember that, at the beginning, the organ donation was not well accepted by the spiritists. As Allan Kardec did not mention the subject in his studies, there was a lot of disagreement, and that is why it is so important what Chico Xavier has said, complemented by statements from Dr. Jorge Andrea, who has said in this book entitled " Spiritist Psychology”, that there is no doubt that under the current circunstances of life, transplants are here to stay and should therefore be used.
"The conquest of science - said Dr. Andrea – is a positive cosmic force that should not be relegated to secondary level due to religious sentimentalism." Today, after so many years, nobody doubts the value of transplants and the benefits they bring, not only to the receiver, but also to those who donate organs.
If there was any doubt, the case Wladimir, narrated by Richard Simonetti in the book "Who's Afraid of Death?" would be enough to dissolve it. For those who have not read that book, the young Wladimir, by using the mediumship of Chico Xavier, has revealed that even in traumatic deaths such as the one he had - a shot fired at his chest - the charity of donation is largely compensated by the laws established by the Creator.
The conclusion then is obvious: we all can and should donate organs which our bodies will no longer need after we die. The removal of an organ does not produce any trauma to the perispirit of the donor. What damages the perispirit, which is our spiritual body, are the wrong attitudes perpetrated by us, and not what is done to it or to the physical body by others. Moreover, the donor is invariably benefited by the prayers and the vibration of gratitude and affection of those who are still here, especially by those who received the organ and their relatives.