Far beyond his work in the
mediumship area, perhaps the
major contribution of Chico
Xavier was to demonstrate that
it is possible to be a
Christian even in such
difficult times; in which
materialism has gained
strength. This is the topic of
this week’s editorial entlited
“ The major contribution of
Chico Xavier”.
One of the highlights in this
edition is the interview
conceded by our confrere
Wilson Czerski, from Curitiba,
to the journalist Fernanda
Borges. Wilson is the current
Vice President of ADE-
Associação de Divulgadores do
Espiritismo do Paraná
(Association of Spiritism
Disseminators from Paraná) and
he believes that there is much
to be done in terms of the
spiritist movement, which
suffers with the lack of
dialogue and debate of
important issues that have
been so far ignored.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special in
which Rogério Coelho retraces
the persecutions that Chico
Xavier has suffered by his
religious detractors, a fact
that has marked, in
particular, the initial phase
of the work of the medium in
the city of Pedro Leopoldo.
Known works by Chico Xavier
like “The Astral City” and
“Two Thousand Years Ago”, are
now being offered to the
public in the radio soap opera
format, with effects and
voices of talented Brazilian
voice actors, as shown in the
report which is part of this
edition and is also one of the
highlights of week.
It ends, in this week’s
edition, the study of the classic
“Padre Germano memories”
which publishing was divided
into 20 parts and was based on
the 21st edition of
the book, published by the
Brazilian Spiritist
Federation. As from the next
edition, this magazine will
bring the study of the book
“The Treasure of Spiritists”
by Michael Vives, translated
by J. Herculano Pires,
published by Edicel.