The major contribution of Chico Xavier
We can evaluate the importance of Chico Xavier by the judgement of those who are not spiritists: "A good man." But the word “good”, when referring to a man, has a special and immense magnitude. Jesus, for example, used to say that only God is good.
Far beyond his work in the mediumship area, this is perhaps the major contribution of Chico Xavier: he has shown that it is possible to be a Christian even in such difficult times; in which materialism has gained strength, especially in countries so called First World.
The humility of Chico Xavier, which was demonstrated in the film produced by Daniel Filho, was something truly captivating.
The humility is, as we all know, the most important virtue for us and for the mediuns, because it is, in the spiritist concept, the mother of all vitues. Chico Xavier’s humility was allied with discipline and an impressive willingness to work for the good.
These three virtues - humility, discipline and work for the good - are the main requirements for those who want to devote themselves to mediumship and, through it, climb some steps on the path of evolution.
The humility allows the medium to act as a passive instrument for the communicant spirit and to present themselves, for those who suffer, as a relief and door of hope.
The discipline provides the medium with balance and productivity. Without it, Chico Xavier would never have produced the work bequeathed to us, consisting of over 400 books and thousands of messages that have brought peace and light to many people.
And finally, working for the good is a spiritist principle, which Cairbar Schutel had already mentioned when Chico was still a child. The mediumistic faculties are developed through charity work because when working for the good we acquire the qualities that attract the assistance of good spirits
“A man called love”, this is a title that has been used frequently in Brazil when refering to the dear medium and it couldn’t be more appropriate because Chico Xavier was, indeed, the personification of love in a human being.
The dear medium, as everyone knows, had his heart opened to everybody that came to him, giving people the attention their problems demanded and offering his time, support and understanding. Patient, helpful, fair: he wished well and also has put it in practise. If wrong, what might have happened, he learnt to overcome his mistakes, like a true spiritist, repairing them with love and work for the good.
Emmanuel's pupil was growing, rising from the painful orphanhood to the final phase of its existence, winning the well-deserved honor of having a special place in millions of grateful hearts. Like Francis of Assisi, he loved so much that his love overcame the narrow limits of religion and, like Francis of Assisi, he showed that the Gospel of Christ is the live source in the hearts of men and that it is possible to follow Jesus in every act of our lives.