Disembodiment and
its nuances
Disembodiment and physical death are distinct facts that do not occur simultaneously. A person dies when the heart ceases to function, and nowadays several countries accept the obituary based on brain death diagnose.
Disembodiment is something else. The soul disembodies when it unties the laces with the body, which can take several hours or several days.
The Spiritism teaches that, generally speaking, the soul remains attached to the body whilst it has strong impressions of corporeal existence.
Materialistic individuals are retained for longer, until their levels of animalised fluid are reduced and become compatible with the detachment process. The delay in this release is sometimes necessary for the spirit to adjust to the spiritual reality.
Ernesto Bozzano, in the book The Crisis of Death, after examining 18 documented cases about the phases inherent in the trance of death, has listed 12 points in his conclusions. Among them, the following three:
All disincarnate say that for some time, they did not know what in fact has occurred to them.
Almost all of them have experienced, after death, a sort of "deep sleep".
Those who disincarnate automatically and inevitably gravitate to the spiritual place that concerns them, in obedience to the "law of affinity."
Léon Denis, in the book After Death, says the separation that occurs between the soul and the body is followed by a period of turmoil, a period that is short for the good and righteous souls, who soon get detached, but long and sometimes very long, for the guilty souls, filled with coarse fluids.
The matter was also examined by Allan Kardec in The Spirit’s Book. As per the questions 149-165 the state of disturbance is a natural fact in every person and varies with the moral elevation degree of each spirit.
The detachment of a soul - which is what characterizes the disembodiment – starts by the extremities of the body and it is gradually completed whilst the fluidic laces that bind the soul to the somatic vehicle are untied.
According to the book Workers of the Life Eternal, chapter XIII, from Andre Luiz and psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, there are three organic areas that require a great deal of care during the process of releasing a soul: the vegetative center, connected to the belly, the emotional center, located in the chest, and the mental center, located in the brain. The book describes, in this order, Dimas’ soul detachment process, who is one of the characters in the book.
Prayer is very important in this process and should therefore always be present in so-called funerals. Kardec reports in the book Heaven and Hell, an interesting case occurred in 1863 with Augusto Michel, who has asked a medium to go to the cemetery in order to pray at his tomb. The spirit begged so much that the medium agreed and at the cemetery, he has received a message from the Spirit, who was grateful for being released of the constriction which was keeping him trapped to matter. Commenting on the case, Kardec wonders whether the almost universal custom of praying at the foot of the deceased would not come from the unconscious intuition that people carry about this experience.