The Gospel according to
Second book of the New
Mark (Peter's
(Part 6)
We continue this issue
to the Systematic Study
of the New Testament,
which includes the study
of the Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John and the book of
Acts. The study is based
on the Portuguese
version of the New
Testament that the
reader can see from this
Relevant answers to
questions are at the end
of the text below.
1. According to Jesus,
it is lawful for a man
divorces his wife?
2. A man, kneeling
before Jesus and asked
him, Good Master, what
shall I do to inherit
eternal life? That
answered the Lord?
3. What a strange
request was made to
Jesus by John and James,
sons of Zebedee?
4. As occurred in the
description of Mark,
Jesus' triumphal entry
into Jerusalem?
5. Teaching that Jesus
left us to expel the
moneychangers from the
Text for
24. Jesus blesses the
children - in Judea,
bringing children to
Jesus for him to touch
them, but the disciples
rebuked those who were
proceeding well. The
Master, however, seeing
this, became angry and
said, "Suffer the little
children come to me, and
forbid them not: for of
such is the kingdom of
God." "Verily I say that
whoever does not receive
the kingdom of God like
a little child will
never enter it." That
said, the Lord took them
in his arms and putting
his hands on them and
blessed them. (Mark,
10:13 to 10:16.)
25. The first shall
be last and the last
shall be first -
After the lesson about
the danger of riches,
the disciples were
amazed and said to each
other: Who then can
be saved? And Peter
called to him: "We left
everything, and have
followed thee," to which
Jesus replied: "Verily I
say no one who has left
house or brothers or
sisters or mother or
father or children, or
fields for my sake and
for the sake of the
Gospel, he shall receive
a hundredfold now in
this house, brothers,
sisters, mothers,
children and lands, with
persecutions, and in the
world to come eternal
life. But many that are
first shall be last, and
the last shall be first.
" Following the road to
Jerusalem, Jesus has to
tell them what had
happened, saying that
the Son of Man would be
delivered to the chief
priests and scribes, who
would condemn to death,
and delivered him to the
Gentiles. And, after
referring them to the
torture, humiliation,
beatings and death,
confirmed that the third
day rise again. (Mark,
10:26 to 10:34.)
26. The healing of
the blind man of Jericho
- in Jericho, was
sitting by the roadside
a blind beggar named
Bartimaeus, the son of
Timaeus. When I heard
that Jesus had left the
city and passed by,
Bartimaeus began to cry,
"Jesus, son of David,
have mercy on me" Many
told him to shut up, but
the blind man cried out
even more, "Son of
David, have mercy on me,
"Jesus sent for him and
asked," What do I do
that? "the blind man
answered him:" Master, I
have seen. " Jesus said
to him: "Go, your faith
has healed you." At the
same moment, Bartimaeus
regained his sight, and
followed the road.
(Mark, 10:46 to 10:52.)
27. The authority of
Jesus - Being back
in Jerusalem, Jesus
walked by the temple,
when it came to him the
chief priests, scribes
and elders, who asked:
"By what authority do
these things? or who
gave you authority to do
them? "Jesus replied:" I
will make you one
question, answer me, I
will tell you by what
authority I do these
things. John's baptism
was from heaven or from
men? answer me. " They
then reasoned with
himself: "If we say from
heaven, he will say, Why
then believed him not?
We will say, though: Of
the men? "Now they
feared the people,
because everyone really
had John as a prophet.
Have therefore decided
to respond: "We do not
know." Given this
response, Jesus replied,
"Neither tell I you by
what authority I do
these things." (Mark,
11:27 to 11:33.)
28. Parable of the
unfaithful tenants -
said, Jesus told them
this parable: "A man
planted a vineyard, with
the hedge, and dug a
winepress, built a tower
and leased it out to
husbandmen, and went to
another country. At
harvest time he sent a
servant to the tenants
to collect from them the
fruit of the vine, but
they seized him, the
whipped and sent away
without any thing. He
sent them another
servant, and this struck
him in the head, and
carried the reproach.
Sent still another, and
him they killed, and
many others, some of
whom they beat and
killed others. It still
remained one, his
beloved son: he sent
last, saying, They will
reverence my son. But
those husbandmen said
among themselves: This
is the heir: come, let
us kill him, and the
inheritance will be
ours. Seized him, killed
him and threw him out of
the vineyard. What will
the lord of the
vineyard? Will come and
destroy those tenants
and give the vineyard to
others." After telling
the parable, Jesus
asked, "Have you not
read even this
scripture: The stone
which the builders
rejected has placed as
the cornerstone, this
was done by the Lord,
and it is marvelous in
our eyes?" Priests,
scribes and the elders
realized that the
parable was given
against them, and sought
a way to arrest him, but
because they feared the
people, leaving him,
retreated. (Mark 12:1 to
Answers to questions
1. According to Jesus,
it is lawful for a man
divorces his wife?
No. Jesus said, any man
to leave his wife and
marries commits adultery
against her. And if the
woman leaves her husband
and marries another,
committeth adultery.
(Mark 10:2 to 10:12).
2. A man, kneeling
before Jesus and asked
him, Good Master, what
shall I do to inherit
eternal life? That
answered the Lord?
First, Jesus said unto
him, Why call me good?
There is none good but
one, which is God. He
added: You know the
commandments: Do not
commit adultery, Do not
kill, Do not steal, and
Do not bear false
witness, Defraud not,
Honour thy father and
thy mother. But man
answered and said unto
him, Master, all these I
kept from my youth.
Jesus looked at him,
then told him: You lack
one thing: go, sell
whatsoever thou hast,
and give to the poor,
and thou shalt have
treasure in heaven: and
come, take all your
cross and follow me.
(Mark, 10:17 to 10:25.)
3. What a strange
request was made to
Jesus by John and James,
sons of Zebedee?
The brothers asked him,
"Grant us that in your
glory we may sit, one at
your right and one to
your left. The answer of
Jesus Christians knows
what it was. (Mark,
10:35 to 10:41.)
4. As occurred in the
description of Mark,
Jesus' triumphal entry
into Jerusalem?
As soon as they
approached Jerusalem,
Bethpage and Bethany, at
the Mount of Olives,
Jesus sent two of his
disciples, whom he said,
Go into the village over
against you: and as soon
as ye go, find a colt
tied on which not even
man sat: loose him, and
bring him to me. They
were found the colt tied
outside the door,
between two paths, and
brought him to Jesus.
The Master sat on it and
entered the city, where
many spread their
garments in the way
while others cut
branches from trees and
spread them on the road.
Those who went before,
and those that followed,
cried: Hosanna, blessed
is He that cometh in the
name of the Lord blessed
the kingdom of our
father David that cometh
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the heights.
(Mark 11:1 to 11:10.)
5. Teaching that Jesus
left us to expel the
moneychangers from the
The episode was
described by the
evangelist, Jesus and
his disciples came to
Jerusalem. There, on
entering the temple, he
began to drive out those
who sold and bought it
and then overturned the
tables of currency
traders and the seats of
those selling doves. And
did not let anyone carry
any vessel through the
temple, while they
taught them saying: It
is not written, my house
shall be called by all
nations the house of
prayer? But ye have made
it a den of thieves. It
seems clear that he
wanted to teach us that
the temple is a place of
prayer, worship the
Lord, reflection and
meditation on the
high-life concerns, not
a place you negotiate
currencies or
commodities. (Mark,
11:15 to 11:17.)