The issue of abortion in Brazil
There is in Brazil, and is not today, a very strong political movement trying to liberalize abortion, as already occurs in most countries where people's religious education is linked to Christianity.
Restricted currently the only two situations, as stipulated in the Penal Code, which allows in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape or when the mother's life at risk to the continuity of pregnancy, there is no doubt that sooner or later the extension of the abortion other cases will become mandatory, unless it is opposed to this movement a moral force capable of opening the eyes of our legislators.
In the recent election campaign the issue was not properly discussed and the main candidates for the presidency is not expressed clearly in the lead as far as the subject so that the issue is still troubling.
Deal in Congress for some time, project towards the widespread liberalization. Supporters of abortion on demand cling to statistics on the number of women who die every day due to the practice of abortion performed in clandestine clinics. Their argument is simple. Liberated, the abortion would be performed in hospitals or clinics reputable and risk of death would be reduced to a tiny number of cases.
Reasoning was identical to that used explicitly by the former Minister Dilma Rousseff, presidential candidate supported by the current government, as the reader can see watching the video interview she gave to the magazine “Isto É” (1). Interestingly, in this interview at any time Rousseff referred to the unborn child.
On the side of women who advocate the idea, there is an argument that is occasionally raised by pro-abortion activists: The woman owns her body and therefore it is solely to allow it or not the continuation of pregnancy.
The argument appears strong. Indeed, with a pregnancy complication in the lives of many women who want complete freedom of movement, stop it sounds agreeably to such hearing.
This thesis, however, in light of scientific knowledge, is nothing but a decoy.
Indeed, pregnant women can not ignore that within them beats the other one being, that is as human as their parents, with their own biological identity and genetic code perfectly defined. It is the science which so recognizes, as we confirmed in the following points made by Dr. Luiz Eugenio Garcez Leme, president at the time of the Brazilian Society of Family Medicine: "The right to life is inherent in human beings. The fetus is a being from conception. Not part of her body, but have their own biological identity. What is human, shows us the very cytology with a simple genetic test chromosome. So, being a human being and being, we are facing a human being." (O Estado de S. Paulo, pg. A-2, 9/11/1993.)
Clearly, as human beings are endowed with free will, will not be denied to the mother's decision to keep or terminate a pregnancy. This is a decision of an intimate nature that is independent of laws. She, however, understand that by opting for abortion, will not be dealing with only a portion of your body, but with another being, endowed with intelligence and feelings, whose behavior in the face of maternal rejection, no one can establish in advance.
Opposing the continuation of the pregnancy, she later collect the fruits of that decision. There are many cases of obsession that have their origin in abortion irresponsible. The facts prove the study of Spiritualism and, accordingly, the Gospel precept is all too clear: The seeding is free, but the harvest is compulsory.
That is not how Jesus taught?
(1) To watch the video interview by Dilma Rousseff clicking this link:!