Warning signs
A boy has been involved in a vehicle collision and got seriously injured. He fell off his motorbike and the helmet failed to protect his head. During days and nights he was in the hospital’s intensive care unit, fighting for his life. Everybody was praying at his house. His family joined forces as they feared his death. “It’s too early”, they thought; although they could not say it out loud.
However, as long as the patient was recovering, the fervour decreased and slowly the house got back to normal. After he left hospital, the main concern was once again their material problems and financial projects. They were not concerned about the objectives set for their life on Earth, something that deserves a little bit more of attention these days.
What happens in a simple physical accident should also happen to the moral accidents.
When the obsession, this insidious disease, knocks at our door, the family needs to raise the guard, combine efforts and pray a lot. Obsession is more dangerous than an injury of an organic nature. It can destroy noble projects and put an end to the most cherished aspirations.
Why not treat it as an evil that must be eliminated?
Why not elect it as the most important problem of the family?
Scheila (Spirit) through the mediumnship of Chico Xavier, has warned:
“There are ten red lights in the pathway of experience, which are likely to lead to obsession:
When we become impatient;
When we believe our pain is the greatest;
When we see ingratitude in our friends;
When we imagine evil in the attitude of our colleagues;
When we comment about the less beautiful side of this or that person;
When we demand appreciation and/or recognition;
When we assume that our work is being excessive;
When we demand other's efforts without doing the slightest service;
When we want to run away from ourselves, through alcohol or narcotics;
When we judge that only the others have duties."
Scheila concludes the lesson:
“Every time one of the above red lights appear in the traffic of our ideas, the Divine Law is present, recommending us to be prudent and seek help in praying or in the light of discernment.”
The above lesson is self explanatory.
Obsession is a moral disease that only gets to those who open the doors and windows for it to enter.
However, there is an antidote to this disturbing evil, expressed in the following message from Euripides Barsanulfo (Spirit), in the book Seeds of Eternal Life, psycographed by Divaldo Franco: "Through the Gospel (...) we can find the antidote against its proliferation: love."