The Spiritism view of afterlife
Jesus has introduced the teachings about afterlife, what was one of the main points of his doctrine. The Spiritism had the task of developing these studies and showing the close relationship between the spiritual world and world we live.
Spiritism explained that the soul is not an abstraction. Spirits have an ethereal body, which is their vehicle. The afterlife is a continuation of the earthly life, but under better conditions, according to the precept that each one will receive according to their merit. We are surrounded by the spiritual world. The disincarnated spirits who inhabit it have the power to influence our thoughts and actions. In some way, they can guide us through their suggestions and advice.
According to the information brought by Spiritism, what is the purpose of our earthly life?
First of all, we must understand that there are no fantasies or illusions in the spiritual life, which is peculiar to the earthly existence. The life on Earth is full of enchants, which can be serious obstacles to our spiritual progress. Wealth can trigger passion and pride in many people; high social positions can lead to abuses of authority, contributing to serious moral disasters which will only be acknowledged in the spiritual life.
The goal of the Spirits is continuous knowledge and moral progress, for which the bodily experience is the deciding factor.
If we understand the material world as a school and the corporeal existence as a scholarship, everything becomes clearer. After the course, the Spirit returns to his real world, where he reviews his life experiences and make new plans for the future.
Having said that, it is easy to think of how empty are the lives of those who dedicate their existences to mundane pleasures.
There are people who have a very busy social agenda. They only think about parties, dinners, games and all sort of social pleasures. They think the only purpose of life is to have fun, ignoring that we are all spirits who have a temporary body for a relevant purpose; which is to work towards our own spiritual progress and to improve the world we live.
The testimonies received from those who are now living in the spiritual world serve as warnings. And we owe it to Spiritism, which gives us the possibility to communicate with Spirits, what is strictly forbidden in some religions.
Whenever we hear somebody talking about afterlife, let’s remember the Parable of the Talents, where Jesus teaches us that God will ask us how we have applied our talents during our earthly existence; and then most of those who now laugh, will cry and regret the lost opportunities.