Kardec’s advice on disagreements
As another Christmas is coming, let's remember one of Jesus’ parables, where he said that his disciples would be known for loving one another.
Many people might not have paid attention to this statement. Even the ones who considered themselves as Christians have chased and fought against the ones they disagreed with. The persecution to the huguenots (1) is a classic example, as well as all the persecutions the church imposed to the so called heretics.
Is the spiritist movement free of such problems?
Before answering this question, let’s analyse what Jesus said: "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
The interpretation of this sentence leads to the below considerations.
If those who call themselves disciples of Christ do not love each other, they are not, in fact, disciples. If they insist on calling themselves disciples, they are fake disciples.
In the beginning of Kardec’s second book, Book of Mediums, there is a detailed description of the levels of realization evident in spiritists. Kardec describes “Christian Spiritists” as those who are not content with admiring the morality of the spiritist doctrine, but who accept it practically, with all its consequences. Charity is in all things their rule of conduct.
Analysing Jesus and Kardec’s statements we can conclude that, if the sentiments of love, respect and fraternity are not present between two spiritists, none of them deserve the title of “disciple of Jesus”, neither to be called a “true spiritist” or a “Christian Spiritist”.
The spiritist movement is composed by people who are in different evolutionary levels. That is why we sometimes see misunderstandings and quarrels in the most prestigious spiritists institutions, which can happen everywhere.
Kardec has mentioned these conflicts in a speech he delivered during the general spiritist meeting of Lyons and Bordeaux:
"If there are disagreements or causes of antagonism amongst you, if the groups which should be marching towards a common goal are divided, I am sorry, without worrying about the causes, without checking who made the first mistake, I will unhesitatingly support those who practise more charity, meaning, the ones who are truly humble, because those who lack charity are always wrong, even if they have any kind of reason because God curses those who say to their brothers: racca. (Work cited, pg. 101.)
It’s been a difficult time for the spiritist community since there has been lots of disagreements and misunderstandings taking place. Kardec has offered us the following advice: “ Supress the disagreements. Everybody should be part of the same family and consider each other as brothers, from the bottom of their hearts and without any premeditated thoughts."
A great Christmas present for us and our brothers would be to spread this knowledge, since it is based in the moral teachings of Jesus. It represents, as said by Kardec, the pathway to happiness.
(1) French Protestants, followers of John Calvin.