The goals of our passage through life
A work published by The Bugle Publishing House, Socialism and Spiritualism, Léon Denis says the solution to serious problems facing our world is going through an educational process that explains the reasons to men about their presence and passage on Earth. In fact – noted Denis – what does serve man conquers air, water and all the material forces, if he does not learn to know or discern the purpose of his life?
The purpose of the incarnation of spirits on planets like ours is something well defined in doctrine codified by Allan Kardec.
It was asked to the immortal by Spiritism coder: - What is the aim of the incarnation of spirits? They answered: “It is a necessity imposed on them by God, as the means of attaining perfection. For some of them it is an expiation; for others, a mission. But in order to attain perfection, it is necessary for them undergo all the vicissitudes of corporeal existence: the expiation constitutes on it. Incarnation has also another aim: fitting spirit to perform his share in the work of creation. For which purpose he is made to assume a corporeal apparatus in harmony with the essential material of this world, and by means of which he is enables to accomplish from that point of view, God’s orders. He is thus made to contribute his quota towards the general weal, while achieving his own advancement” (The Spirits’ Books, question 132).
Another time Kardec asked: - How can the soul completes the work of its purification? Answer: “By undergoing the trial of a new existence.” The reincarnation aim is: “Expiation, progressive improvement of mankind. Without this aim, where would be its justice?” (The Spirits’ Books, 166 and 167).
In an article published in the Revue Spirite in 1863, Kardec examined the thesis that spirits should not have been created to embody. The incarnation would only be the result of a foul. Spiritism asserts the opposite, in other words, incarnation is a necessity for the progress of his spirit and for the planet on which he lives. It is not a punishment, as it is taught in the wrong way of roustainguismo.
Through communication obtained in 1864, at the Spiritist Society of Sens, says that reincarnation is an essential factor to spiritual progress, which Kardec adds that working for himself, the incarnate Spirit works to improve the world he lives.
It was focused the same subject for another Spirit, in Paris, which it was explained that reincarnation is necessary while the material controls the Spirit. From the moment that the Spirit controls the material, reincarnation will not be necessary anymore; it is known as pure Spirits. The text can be seen in Revue Spirite, 1864, pp. 48 to 50
From this last communication we highlight the following lessons: I) As the bodily sensations of men become more refined, their spiritual feelings also awaken and develop. II) Since the fluids the agents that set in motion our body, they are the elements of our aspirations, because there are bodily fluids and spiritual fluids. III) These fluids make up the spiritual body of the Spirit, once incarnate, it moves through them on the human machine, which he must improve. IV) The Spirit has free will and always seek that are pleasing and satisfying. If it is an inferior and material Spirit, it will seek his satisfaction in the material and thus give s boost to fluid materials. V) As it is necessary to purify the spirit and it can be only achieved through work, the embodiments chosen are more painful, because – after it gave primacy to matter and fluids – it has to embarrass it, fight it and overcome it.
Talking about the message, which Kardec teaches, considered from progress point of view that the life of spirits has three main periods:
- Material period, in which the influence of matter dominates the Spirit.
- Balance period, in which both influences are pursued simultaneously.
- Spiritual period, in which the Spirit dominates completely the matter, it is not necessary to incarnate anymore and its work becomes all spiritual; It is the Spirits state in the higher worlds.
Reassuring the necessity of reincarnation, Emmanuel says in question 96 of the book O Consolador that reincarnation represents, in itself, a treatment and cure term of some disorders of the soul. Sometimes it is so persistent that it can claim several successive seasons, with the same intensity in regenerative processes.
And it is exactly that what it shows us the following verses, psychographed by Chico Xavier, some parts of the book “Na Era do Espírito”, chapter 4:
“For those suffering in addition
Under the blame on crying inglorious
Return to home land
It is the blessing of purgatory” (Oscar Leal)
“It is useless to run away
From the debt that lingers,
Reincarnation comes soon
Charging indoors” (Cornélio Pires)
“When a sage of the Heights
Needs to reincarnate
Nobody can prevent it
There is no point avoiding it” (Casimiro Cunha)
“From any evidence on Earth
Which more tame us:
It is an enemy reincarnated
In the form of kin” (Lulu Parola).