What it is necessary for stability in the spirit group
The highlight of main Brazilian magazines have been giving in recent times to Spiritism and the spirit movement is indicating that it is necessary to those who are responsible for the spirits houses and other spirit institutions, to show up to the job they perform.
It is not possible, as it sees in many places, differences still occur between leaders, mediums and other employees for purely personal reasons.
It is necessary to remind that many losses have happened because of these some similar facts, which besides the removal of disappointed colleagues with that attitude, they produce an instability that affects significantly the work done at the institution.
The Spiritism Encoder referred to it on several occasions.
Speaking about spirits societies in 1859 he said that the first condition for the stability of a center is uniformity of principles and the way of seeing them; the second is the assistance of good Spirits, if he wants to get serious communications. The aim of Spiritism, warned Kardec, is to improve those who understand it. “Let us try to lead by example and show that to us the doctrine is not dead. Be worthy of good spirits, if we want their assistance.” (Spiritist Magazine, 1859, page 200 – 202).
Three years later, in response to a New Year message received from Lyon spirits, signed by about two hundred signatures, the Encoder have them a series of timely advice, summarized below (Spiritist Magazine, 1862, page 31 – 34):
· If a group wants to have order, peace and stability, it is necessary to predominate in it a fellow-feeling, because every group or society without basis of effective charity will not have vitality.
· It recognizes the true spirit through charity practice in thoughts, words and deed; everyone who nourishes in your soul feelings of animosity, rancor, hatred, jealously or envy, mind yourself if he wants to understand and practice Spiritism.
· Selfishness and pride kill particular societies, how it kills peoples and societies in general.
It took years and Kardec had felt that the time was appropriate, he returned to the issue, again, he warned the spiritists group to the need for uniformity and sharing of thoughts and feelings, emphasizing that such measure is the sine qua non of stability and vitality of the groups to which all efforts should be directed. (Spiritist Magazine, 1864, page 306).
It is easy thus to understand that others will never dwell on such lessons, because more than words it is the examples given by the spirits themselves which will be the best way to disseminate the doctrine we intend to propagate and defend.