Maternal love is a myth?
Entitled L'Amour en Plus, caused great confusion in the world the book released in 1980 in Paris, the French teacher Elisabeth Badinter, who, after performing extensive research, launched the idea that the maternal instinct is a myth and there is a universal and necessary maternal behavior.
In the book, the author notes the extreme variability of this feeling, according to the culture, the ambition or the frustrations of the mother, and concludes, finally, that maternal love is a feeling just like any other human being and as such, uncertain, fragile and imperfect.
In Brazil, published by New Frontier, the book received the title of A Love Conquered: The Myth of Mother Love in translation by Waltensir Dutra.
A recent episode shown on TV several times in Brazil, where a mother walks over to a garbage dump there and let your newborn baby, seem to side with Elisabeth Badinter, because, really, as she mentions in his book, their mothers who did not show any feeling of love for her children as to prevent even be born, as occurs in the millions of abortions that are recorded annually in our country - a country, moreover, that the overwhelming majority of the population is Christian says.
Is a mother's love a myth?
The spiritual doctrine tells us not to, and when dealing with the subject, teaches us something different.
Let's see what he says the question 890 of The Spirit’s Book:
– Is maternal affection a virtue, or is it an instinctive feeling common to men and to animals?
"It is both. Nature has endowed the mother with the love of her offspring in order to ensure their preservation. Among the animals, maternal affection is limited to the supply of their material needs; it ceases when this care is no longer needed. In the human race, it lasts throughout life, and assumes a character of unselfish devotion that raises it to the rank of a virtue; it even survives death, and follows the career of the child from beyond the grave. You see, therefore, that there is in this affection, as it exists in man, something more than as it exists among the animals."
Human experience gives us many examples of property and the correctness of the response and this becomes even clearer to those working in seances of assistance to the disembodied. Invariably, even though they are disembodied, they are mothers who in most cases rely upon the creatures who suffer and ask for help after they left the plane in which we live.
How can we explain the cases that supported the research of Elisabeth Badinter and the recent episode that we saw on TV?
This question has not been ignored by Allan Kardec. See what it tells us the issue of 891 primary work of the spiritual doctrine:
– Since maternal affection is a natural sentiment, why is it that mothers often hate their children, and even, in some cases, before their birth?
"The absence of maternal affection is sometimes a trial chosen by the spirit of the child, or an expiation for him if he have been a bad father, a bad mother, or a bad son, in some previous existence. In all cases, a bad mother can only be the incarnation of a bad spirit, who seeks to throw obstacles in the path of the child, in order to make him succumb in the trial he has chosen. But such a violation of the laws of nature will not remain unpunished, and the spirit of the child will be rewarded for surmounting the obstacles thus thrown in his way."
It pointed to the fact that it is merely an exception to the general rule that maternal love is usually present. This is an exceptional occurrence for a requirement of the laws that govern life - the law of cause and effect - as expressed by Jesus in a simple and well known phrase: "The sowing is free, but the harvest is compulsory."
That these considerations are received by all the mothers who read as a modest tribute to these wonderful creatures to whom God has entrusted their children to believe they will hold their mission.