We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.
Questions for discussion
A. The souls must unite if they are predestined to this union since its inception? Each of us has, somewhere in the universe, its half, which inevitably one day be united?
B. The Spirit can remember everything he did in the corporeal existence, as well as their previous lives?
C. Modify the ideas of spirits in the spiritual life?
D. The day of commemoration of the dead is something special for the spirits? They also go on that day to the cemeteries?
E. The union of Spirit with a particular body is decided before, or only at the last moment?
Text for reading
166. The affection that two people remained on Earth continues in the spirit world, if it is based on a genuine sympathy. The affections of spirits are stronger and more durable than on Earth because they are not subject to the whim of material interests and self-esteem. (L.E., 297)
167. It is the equality of the degrees of elevation that provides the necessary affinity for the perfect sympathy between spirits. (L.E., 302)
168. The spirits who today are not friendly will be one day. When perfected, the Spirit who is now in a lower sphere will reach the ball which is the other. (L.E., 303)
169. Two sympathetic spirits may no longer be so, if one is lazy. (L.E., 303-A)
170. It is necessary to reject the idea that two spirits, created for one another, one day must inevitably meet in eternity, after having stayed apart for a period of time longer or shorter. (L.E., 303-A, Kardec comment)
171. Spirit sees and understands much better than when I lived in the body, the purpose of earthly life. Then understand the need for purification to reach the infinite and knows that every life is free of impurities. (L.E., 306-B)
172. The feeling that the Spirit experiences at the sight of his decaying body, it is almost always of indifference, for one thing that does not matter anymore. (L.E., 309-A)
173. The Spirit is happy to be remembered, but it's the thought that attracts us, and not the objects that retain it. (L.E., 311)
174. Spirits preserve the memory of the sufferings endured during its last existence and that memory makes them better appreciate the happiness you can enjoy as spirits. (L.E., 312)
175. Only the lower spirits who lament the lost pleasures, leaving the Earth. For high spirits, the eternal happiness is a thousand times preferable to the ephemeral pleasures of the world. (L.E., 313)
176. He who began major work on earth, with a useful purpose, and which were interrupted by death, does not regret leaving them unfinished, because he sees that others are destined to complete them. (L.E., 314)
177. Spirits judge from another point of view works of art and literature produced by them in bodily existence. According to its elevation, often reproach the most admired. (L.E., 315)
178. For high spirits, the country is the universe. On Earth, is one in which many people are sympathetic. (L.E., 317)
179. Spirits of a high order are not usually on Earth more than short-term stations. The spirits of a middle order are more often around here, but consider things from a perspective higher than during the incarnation. The vulgar spirits are somehow the ones who remain here, and constitute the bulk of the population of the invisible world environment. Conserved, with little difference, the same ideas, the same tastes and the same trends as they were when incarnate; intrude in our meetings, our business, in our amusements. Unable to satisfy their passions, enjoy it with them if they deliver, and excite these people. (L.E., 317, Kardec comments)
180. The ideas of change very spirits in the spiritual life, as they dematerialized. Gradually decrease the influence of matter, and they see things more clearly and it is then looking for ways to improve. (L.E., 318)
181. The awe that the Holy Spirit demonstrates the re-enter the spiritual world is the first time and the effect of the disruption that follows awakening. Later, he fully recognizes their status, as you back the memory of the past and undo the impression of terrestrial life. (L.E., 319)
182. When the Spirit has reached a degree of perfection, no longer has the land and understand the vanity futility of all things. That's how they see the honor that they are taxed on earth. (L.E., 326)
183. The Spirit, too often attends the funeral itself, but sometimes do not realize what is happening, if it is disturbed. (L.E., 327)
184. Almost always, the Spirit attends meetings of their heirs. That is when he sees the protests as worth of consideration that you did. (L.E., 328)
185. Spirits sense the time of its reincarnation, as the blind feel the fire that is approaching. They know they must regain a body, we know we must die one day, but do not know when this will happen. (L.E., 330)
186. Surely, reincarnation is a necessity of life spirit, as death is a necessity of corporate life. (L.E., 330-A)
187. There are spirits who do not think of his reincarnation, or even understand it, it depends on the elevation of each one. For some, the uncertainty in which they are about the future is a punishment. (L.E., 331)
188. The Spirit can shorten the time of reincarnation, requesting it, and can also slow it down, to retreat before the race because there are spirits among the indifferent and cowardly. (L.E., 332)
189. The Spirit, though in erraticity feel happy, cannot indefinitely prolong this state. Sooner or later, he feels the need to advance, all must rise, because this is the fate of all. (L.E., 333)
Answers to questions
A. The souls must unite if they are predestined to this union since its inception? Each of us has, somewhere in the universe, its half, which inevitably one day be united?
No, there is no particular union of two souls and fatal. The union is there for all spirits, but to varying degrees, depending on the category they occupy, that is, according to the perfection they have acquired. They more perfect are the more united. The expression is inexact eternal halves. If a spirit were half of another, separate the two, both were incomplete. (The Spirit's Book, questions 297, 298, 299, 300 and 301.)
B. The Spirit can remember everything he did in the corporeal existence, as well as their previous lives?
Yes having lived on Earth many times, remembers what it was like man and laughed often penalized himself. But the memory of the past comes to him little by little, what picture emerges gradually from a mist, as it sets it to their attention. The Spirit remembers things, compliance with the consequences which resulted to the state that is as errant spirit. With respect to past lives, all his past if he unfolds into view, which stretches a wayfarers of the path traveled. But do not remember, absolutely, all his acts. Remember those who had accordingly to the influence in the creation of its current state. (Ibid., issues 304, 305, 306, 307 and 308.)
C. Modify the ideas of spirits in the spiritual life?
Yes they suffer major changes, in proportion as the Spirit dematerialized. This can sometimes remain long imbued with the ideas he had on earth, but little by little, the influence of matter decreases and he sees things more clearly. It then looks for ways to make yourself better. (Ibid., 317 to 319 questions.)
D. The day of commemoration of the dead is something special for the spirits? They also go on that day to the cemeteries?
Spirits come running to this day call of the earth they direct their thoughts, as do any other day. That day in greater numbers gather, in cemeteries, because then it is also higher in such places, the people who call them by thought. But each Spirit is there only for his friends and not by the indifferent crowd. (Ibid., questions 320, 321, 322 and 323.)
E. The union of Spirit with a particular body is decided before, or only at the last moment?
The reincarnating spirit is always in advance assigned. Having chosen the test that you want to submit, ask to be reincarnated. Due to this choice, he can also choose the body that will, for the imperfections that are present, for the Spirit, evidence that will help you progress, to overcome the obstacles that oppose him. Not always, however, it is allowed that choice. (Ibid., questions 334, 335, 336, 337 and 338.)