We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.
A. A bad guy can do evil to his neighbor for that drawing on the help of an evil spirit?
B. There are people with the gift of healing through a single contact?
C. Spirits have to play some activity, and the pursuit of their personal improvement, or just have the highest occupations in erraticity useful?
D. Spirits meddling in our affairs and pleasures?
E. What are the tasks assigned to wandering spirits? And what is the mission of the incarnate Spirits?
Text for reading
299. Some people have a great magnetic power, which can make bad use, if your own spirit is bad, and in this case can be supported by other evil spirits. (L.E., 552)
300. All formulate, as regards the exchange with the Spirits, are quackery, there is no sacramental word, no sign cabalistic, no talisman that has any action on the spirits, because they are not only attracted by the thought, and not by material things. (L.E., 553)
301. The nature of the attracted Spirit depends on the purity of intention and the elevation of feelings of the caller. (L.E., 554)
302. These wizards are the people whom you call, when endowed with good faith, that have certain powers, such as magnetic power and dual view. So how do you not understand things, the judge endowed with supernatural power. (L.E., 555)
303. All spirits must go through the different rungs of the ladder, to improve themselves. God is just, could not have given a science out of work, while others do not get but so painful. (L.E., 561)
304. Spirits of the highest order, who one have nothing more to learn, are not at rest, but have many occupations. The eternal idleness would be an eternal punishment. Their occupation consists in transmitting the orders of God throughout the universe and to ensure their implementation. (L.E., 562 and 562-A)
305. The incessant occupations of spirits, if we understand that your thoughts are always on the go, for they live by thought. But we must not equate the occupations of spirits with the material occupations of men. His own activity is a joy, the consciousness that they must be useful. (L.E., 563)
306. Inferior spirits have occupations suitable to their nature. Give the laborer to the ignorant and the work of the educated man? (L.E., 563-A)
307. There are spirits among those who are idle, but this state is temporary and subordinated to the development of their intelligence. There are among them as among the men, who live only for themselves, but that weighs them idle and sooner or later the desire to progress makes them experience the need for activity, and are so happy they can make themselves useful. (L.E., 564)
308. A Spirit who practiced an art in existence who knew him may have practiced another in another lifetime, because it needs to know everything to become perfect. (L.E., 566)
309. Spirits who have missions to fulfill them wandering in the state and when they are embodied. For some wandering spirits, this is a great occupation. (L.E., 568)
310. Spirits do not always understand the plans of the implementation of which are in charge. Some are blunt instruments, but others know very well that objective act. (L.E., 570)
311. The mission of the Spirit is imposed or depends on it? - He asks for and is happy to get. There are always many candidates, but not all are accepted. (L.E., 572 and 572-A)
312. People who live only for themselves and do not know to become useful beings that we are poor, regrettable as it ruthlessly purge its uselessness voluntary, and often gets his punishment, from this world, boredom and disgust of life. (L.E., 574)
313. Among the spirits there are the lazy, they shrink from a lifetime of work. God let them do, understand later at his own expense and inconvenience of their worthlessness and will be the first to ask to repair the lost time. (L.E., 574-A)
314. How do you recognize that a man has a real mission on earth? - For great things he does, which makes progress by their peers perform. (L.E., 575)
315. Men who have an important mission to fulfill are sometimes aware of it, but most often ignore. There is more than a vague goal in coming to Earth; their mission is designed after the birth and according to circumstances. God drives them through which their designs must meet. (L.E., 576)
316. Everything that man does is the result of a predestined mission, it is often the instrument of a Spirit uses to enforce something which it considers useful. (...) It should be noted that, during sleep the body, the incarnate spirit communicates directly with the errant spirit, and who understands about the execution. (L.E., 577)
Answers to questions
A. A bad guy can do evil to his neighbor for that drawing on the help of an evil spirit?
No, God does not allow it. (The Spirit's Book , issues 551, 552 and 557.)
B. There are people with the gift of healing through a single contact?
Yes, the magnetic force of these people can get up to then, when backed by the purity of feeling and a burning desire to do good, good spirits because then they come to the rescue. (Ibid., questions 552, 555 and 556.)
C. Spirits have to play some activity, and the pursuit of their personal improvement, or just have the highest occupations in erraticity useful?
They contribute to the harmony of the universe, running the will of God, whose ministers they are. The spirit-life is a continuous occupation, but that has nothing painful, how life on Earth because it is not fatigue or the sufferings of the body needs. In the spiritual world, everyone has duties to perform, whatever the level of evolution they have reached. (Ibid., questions 558, 559, 562 and 563)
D. Spirits meddling in our affairs and pleasures?
Spirits vulgar, yes. They surround us constantly and often take active part in what we do, in accordance with its nature. Complies to happen, because to be driven by several men paths of life, it is necessary that they tone down or excite the passions. (Ibid., issue 567.)
E. What are the tasks assigned to wandering spirits? And what is the mission of the incarnate Spirits?
Such missions are so varied that it is impossible to describe them. The missions of the Spirits have always the good object. Whether as spirits or as men, are tasked to assist the progress of humanity, of people or individuals within a circle of ideas more or less extensive, more or less special, and for ensuring the implementation of certain things. Some missions play more restricted and in some way, or entirely personal sites, such as attending the sick, the dying, the afflicted, watch over those who constituted themselves protectors and guides, directing them by giving them advice or inspiring them good thoughts. You can say that there are so many kinds of missions as many species of interests to protect, so in the physical world, as in morals, and the Spirit moves forward as the way that fulfills its task.
When incarnated, its mission is to educate men on their progress and assist them in improving institutions, by direct means and materials. The missions, however, are more or less general and important. The farming land plays such a noble mission, as ruler, or instructing. Everything in nature is linked together. While the Spirit purifies the incarnation, competes, thereby to carry out the designs of Providence. Each has its mission in this world, because everyone can have some use. (Ibid., questions 569 to 577.)