The essential purpose of
This weeks’ editorial,
Unbaptized children and
their destination,
discusses the document "The
hope of salvation for
infants who die without
being baptized," in
which the International
Theological Commission of
the Catholic Church
considered inappropriate the
concept of limbo.
In an interview with our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, the colleague
Carlos Signei de Souza, from
the Board of Directors of
the spiritist center The
Path of Light, in São
Paulo-SP, talks about his
initiation into Spiritism, a
fact which occurred after he
was intensely harassed by
spirits, leading him to seek
help in the spiritist house,
and consequently becoming
one of its active workers.
The interview is one of the
highlights of this edition.
The essential purpose of
Spiritism is the subject
of special article authored
by the colleague Rogério
Coelho, from Muriaé-MG,
where he elaborates on Allan
Kardec's teachings about the
main objectives of our
passage through this world.
The article is also one of
the highlights of the week.
The VI Medicine and
Spirituality Day was held in
Lisbon in November,
sponsored by AME
International in conjunction
with local institutions, and
is shown in a special
report, which is also one of
the highlights of this
This issue begins the
methodical study of the book
Evolution in Two Worlds,
by André Luiz, work
psychographed in 1958 by the
mediums Waldo Vieira and
Francisco Cândido Xavier.
Since the beginning of this
magazine, this is the tenth
work of André Luiz studied
on a regular and methodical
manner in this journal.