We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.
A. Why are there wars?
B. How is it that the earliest civilizations are still sometimes creatures as cruel as the savages?
C. What is the position on spirit of the death penalty?
D. By asserting: Who killed by the sword, shall perish by the sword, Jesus would have spent on pain of retaliation? Death to the murderer would not be imposed, thus an application of this principle?
E. The family ties are a law of nature?
Text for reading
426. The temporary enslavement that often results from the war aims to crush the people, to make them morally progressing faster. (L.E., 744-A)
427. Whoever raises the war to their advantage culprit is, and many stocks will be necessary to atone for the crimes of which has been involved, because everyone will answer for the man whose death has caused to satisfy his ambition. (L.E., 745)
428. Murder is in the eyes of God, a great crime, for he who takes the life of its similar cuts the thread of an existence or mission of atonement. (L.E., 746 and 750)
429. The degree of culpability in cases of murder can vary greatly, because God is righteous and judge more by intent than by fact. (L.E., 747)
430. Only necessity can excuse a murder. But if the person attacked can preserve your life without compromising that of her attacker, should do it. (L.E., 748)
431. The man is not guilty of the murders that practices during the war, when compelled by force, but is guilty of cruelty to commit, and you also take into account the feelings of humanity to do that. (L.E., 749)
432. The intellectual development does not imply the need of good. A Spirit superior in intelligence can be bad. This is true of one who has long lived without improving, it only knows. (L.E., 751)
433. When one combines the sense of cruelty to the instinct of destruction, it always results from an evil nature. If the destruction is sometimes a necessity, it never will be with cruelty. (L.E., 752)
434. Cruelty dominant in primitive peoples is explained thus: in them, matter outweighs the Spirit. They give themselves to the instincts of the brute, and other needs as they experience life beyond the body, only postulate their conservation, and is what makes them generally cruel. Moreover, the imperfect development of peoples are preserved under the rule of imperfect spirits, they are friendly, until the earlier people come to destroy or weaken this influence. (L.E., 753 and 754)
435. Spirits of a lower order and may lag behind men embody early, hoping to also come forward. But if the proof is too heavy, predominates in them the primitive nature. That's how you explain the fact that we found within the earliest civilization, beings sometimes as cruel as the savages. (L.E., 755)
436. Humanity progresses. These men, in whom the instinct of evil dominates, and who are displaced from good people, will gradually disappear, as it separates the bad from the good grain when winnowed. (L.E., 756)
437. The duel is a murder and an absurd custom, worthy of the barbarians, and when the person knows that he will succumb, is a suicide. The so-called point of honor, which is invoked in duels, means both pride and vanity, double scourge of mankind. (L.E., 757 to 759)
438. There is more greatness and true honor to plead guilty man had committed a fault, or in forgive, you are right, and, whatever the case, disregarding the insults, which can not reach. (L.E., 759, Kardec comment)
439. The death penalty one day disappear from human legislation and its suppression a mark of human progress. When men are more enlightened, the death penalty will be abolished on Earth. But this season is still lagging behind. (L.E., 760 and 763)
440. Put to death in the name of God is to take the place of God in the administration of justice. Those who do so show how far they are from God and understand that much has yet to atone for. (L.E., 765)
441. Life is social in nature. God made man to live in society. The insulation is absolutely contrary to this law, because all must contribute to progress, helping each other. (L.E., 766 and 767)
442. The man must progress. Insulated it’s don’t possible. It lacks the contact with other men. In isolation, it dulls and withers. (L.E., 768 to 770)
443. To make greater amount of good than of evil is the best atonement. Those who flee the world to vote to help the wretched business of rise, they have the double merit of placing themselves above the material pleasures and do good, according to the law of work. (L.E., 770-A and 771)
444. Silence is useful because in the silence you put into practice the gathering, your spirit becomes free and can enter into communication with the spirits. But the vow of silence is a nonsense. (L.E., 772)
445. Among animals, parents and children fail to recognize to a certain point, because the animals do not live life material and moral life. The tenderness of mothers for their children, among beasts, is the first instinct of the beings that she gave birth. As soon as they can take care of themselves, the mother's task is completed, so that leaves are to deal with the newcomers. But it happens differently in humans. (L.E., 773 and 774)
Answers to questions
A. Why are there wars?
War is the direct result of the predominance of animal nature on the spiritual nature and the overflow of the passions. In the state of barbarism, people only know the law of force. As man progresses, the war becomes less frequent, because it seeks to avoid its causes. The war will disappear from the earth when men understand practice justice and the law of God. At that time, then all people are brothers. (The Spirits' Book, issues 742 to 745.)
B. How is it that the earliest civilizations are still sometimes creatures as cruel as the savages?
Just as a tree full of good fruit abortions are true. These are wild creatures of civilization that have only the outside, in the midst of wolves lost lambs. Spirits of a lower order and may lag behind men embody early, hoping to also come forward, but if the proof that face is too heavy, predominates in them the primitive nature. (Ibid., questions 753 to 756.)
C. What is the position on spirit of the capital punishment?
The death penalty is a misconception that one day disappear and its suppression a mark of human progress. When men are more enlightened, it will be completely abolished in the earth. (Ibid., questions 760 to 765.)
D. By asserting: Who killed by the sword, shall perish by the sword, Jesus would have spent on pain of retaliation? Death to the murderer would not be imposed, thus an application of this principle?
Caution is necessary with such ideas, saying the immortals. Much has fool ourselves about these words, how about others. The penalty of retaliation is the righteousness of God. It is God who applies. We all suffer the penalty at every moment, we are punished for what they have sinned in this life or another. One who has been suffering for the sake of his fellows will find themselves in a condition that suffer what has made
her suffer. This is the sense of Jesus' words. Regarding the death penalty, it is a crime when applied in the name of God. Those who impose that burden so many other murders. (Ibid., issue 764.) |
E. The family ties are a law of nature?
Yes Man has something more, beyond the physical needs: there is a need to progress. Social ties are needed to progress and become tighter family first: this is why is a law of nature. The result of the loosening of family ties would be a resurgence of selfishness. (Ibid., questions 774 and 775.)