Social inequality is an evil
that one day will end
The protests of the so-called "outraged" in Europe and the movement that targets the United States, the financial sector symbolized by Wall Street, made to stay on the international agenda the topic social inequality, as indeed it is also occurring in Brazil, a country where social inequalities that stand out.
Although some people believe that natural inequalities occur, common sense is that they are an evil that must one day surely be eliminated in all so-called civilized nations.
This thought has been espoused by Spiritism since its beginning.
Social inequalities - say the immortal - are not the work of God but of man.
God created us equal and for the same purpose, but the men, by virtue of the moral imperfections that characterize us, statuary laws, systems, government plans and unjust situations that privilege some at the prejudice of the majority.
As a consequence, the inequalities were born, they were piling up and are more or less pronounced in certain countries, according to the degree of evolution of its inhabitants.
Progress is, however, irresistible, and therefore, social inequality, like everything which is lower, will weaken day by day until it goes off in the end, what it will happen when selfishness and pride no longer prevail on Earth. Remain, then, in our world only the inequality of merit, because there will come a time when members of the great universal family will no longer be considered as more or less pure blood and understand that only the Spirit can be more or less pure, but that does not depend on social position.
Let us not, however, be naive enough to think that inequalities will disappear suddenly or be the result of revolutions, wars, laws or decrees. Not at all. It extinction far will slowly and gradually, according to the individual and collective efforts and as a direct result of moral progress achieved by mankind.
It is understood also that the ban of social inequalities does not imply uniformity of men. The earthly society will not become a robot system. Men will be guided by the divine laws, so that their natural inclinations to blossom and develop normally, with no attitude of coercion and without any kind of privilege.
It remains, finally, consider that the social inequalities are the highest testimony to the reality of reincarnation, whereby each spirit has its position defined of regeneration and redemption. Poverty, misery, war, ignorance and many other collective calamities are nothing more than the disease of social organism, due to the test situation of almost of its members.
Ceasing the pathogenic cause with spiritual enlightenment of everyone, the disease collective, of course, will be eliminated from the human settings, remaining merely on our globe the inequality of merit, which leads us to recall the famous lesson of Jesus according to which the each will be given according to their worthiness.